New to posting...2yrs out, SOOO tired!
Hi everyone...My name is Gretchen, I'm 2 years post op, and EXHAUSTED, all the time.
I got preg at 10 months out, and had a baby, (placenta died early, nobody knows why, and had a premie)
I am a stay at home mom of 3, and we homeschool, etc so I need my energy so badly, but I just seem to be fading. I know I need to get my labs done, I haven't been maintaining my good post op eating habits, but haven't actually gained anything back...I'm positive there is something wrong...nobody is actually this tired. I've been reading all your threads, is this a common problem?
I am 2 years out and stay so tired. I lay down on my lunch break at work. I come home and hit the bed. I am to tired to eat. I can't stand long enough to cook so I don't eat right or just don't eat. So my body has no fuel to run on. It's all my fault. Good luck and lots of energy to ya.
ps never took my vitamins until about a month ago
Yup, I know it is my fault, but I just don't exactly know how to tackle it...I do have the low blood sugar thing, and that makes it worse...
I'm embarassed. I'm taking naps with the kids, and still tired at dinner time. My husband is always asking me what's wrong...I'm honestly just TIRED!
Let me know if you figure it out before I do!
Get your labs done and I mean the FULL work up we post-ops need done; but especially B12, ferritin, total iron binding capacity (TIBC), iron sat % and your hemoglobin and hematocrit. Very important - even if you've been taking iron supplements, you still need to get this checked. I had been taking my supplements and ended up with a mild heart attack about a month ago as my ferritin level dropped to 9 and my TIBC was almost 600. I had an iron infusion and that brought everything back up to normal levels and I'm feeling 100% better!
Here's the list that I have done every 6 months:
Comprehensive metabolic profile (sodium, potassium,
chloride, glucose, BUN, creatinine, calcium, total protein,
albumin, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate
LIPID PROFILE (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides,
chol/HDL ratio) Tchol,Trig,HDL,Calc,LDL)
GGT (* a liver function test not in a comp panel)
Prealbumin (tells you protein status recently)
VITAMIN D (25-hydroxy),
THYROID PANEL (T3, T4, TSH)*only initially unless suspect.
Homocystine, MMA
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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As soon as I read your post, I thought to myself, "She needs to get her iron checked." I had a baby in January and have been absolutely exhausted. I had my full set of labs done in June. My ferritin level came back as a 2 which means I have virtually depleted my iron stores. I'm having weekly iron infusions done to bring my levels back to normal. Unfortunately I've had some pretty severe allergic reactions to them so I'm not feeling the difference yet.
You also need to get your B-12 checked. Traci's list is pretty comprehensive of what needs done. Run, don't walk to your doctor to have those labs done. My mother was insisting that something was wrong with me too, but I kept saying it was part of being a new mom that was working fulltime. As soon as my bloodwork came back, she said I told you so.
my guess is one of these three: Iron, Potassium, Thyroid hormone. Do some reading and take information with you when you go to the doctor. I tend to have low potasium instead of iron -my iron stays high usually. But my Thyroid is another issue - mine when hard and I was exhausted - found out it wasn't working at all. Now I'm on 120 mg x 2 times a day of Armour Thyroid and am starting to feel human again. Now if I could get rid of this headcold!!!!
Diona Austill
Miles City, MT
Miles City, MT
Stick to your multi-vitamins and supplements. You should have your doc check for iron and b12 levels. I had to have an iron transfusion 3 months ago; I was 2 years post op. I can only imagine what your pregnancy did to your body.
I get B12 injections once monthly. I am about to increase my B vitamin intake all together! I'm tired as well. Hang in there! Please don't ignore your signs there could be simply tests and simply solutions. Don't go on feeling so tired you feel sick...I've been there! hang in there! Samaria
I'm all for having blood work addition, what kind of suppliments are you currently taking? Yes you will probably need to tweek as you go along, but are you supplimenting now?
In addition low energy levels can be associated with SADs basically seasonal depression caused by a lack of sun light. It's just about this time of year when it hits people. You might consider getting a full spectrum light and sitting under it for a few hours a increases the seratonin levels in your brain .