5 houur energy shot
its a 2 oz drink the add says
hour of energy noe
no crash later
sugar free
0net carbs
feel it inmin. last for hours.
I just tried it it was sooooooo sweet thin like water but realy sweet like a cool aid i guess you could call it. but it has 12 in it ihave been gettig b-12 shots once a week and its not helping with the energy i know we dont onsorb it so i was leaving each sip under my tounge for 10 seconds wow i have to say its already working im starting to feel a bi better and its only been a few min. hopefully its not all in my head lol ill post later so far this week i havent had any energy justwant to sleep all the time. so maybe i can actuly cleen my house! anyways it cost me $2.99 at a gass station but i seen them for like $2 a walmart and i think their is another drink called yellow jacket thats even cheeper samething different name but it says it last 6hours. but its like the bottle says * individual results may very. so it seems to be working for me starting to feel wow fantastic. lol i feel like im adverstizing for them any ways if you have been feeling bla you may want to try it but each sip hold under your tounge for 10-15 seconds to try and grab some of that b12 =)