Back Problems
Hey guys - I have had a bad back for a few years now, but since WLS over a year ago it has intensified. It limits my ability to do fun things or even housework. I just had a MRI down of my neck and lower back and it showed stenosis and lots of bulging discs etc. My doctor is sending me to Stanford (in California) to a neurosurgeon. I need something for pain. I've tried Vicodin, Percoset etc. Nothing really seems to work. I even tried Fentanyl patches, but was allergic. Any ideas. I got a back brace over the weekend and that helps a little, but I'm feeling like an invalid and not liking it a bit. Seems since surgery a year ago in August I've not had the opportunity to exercise at all. I had a bad knee and had a total knee replacement in April, so that set me back. Then the back thing has been an on-going thing. I got rear-ended in April and ever since it seems to be worse. I've only 45, so I should be feeling good after losing almost 200 lbs. Right? Anyone else experience back problems?
In California
Hi Carol
I'm sorry you've had such a rough time since having wls. I wish I had some answers for you, but sadly I don't. I just wanted to sympathise with you. I had a lot of back pain before I lost weight and as expecting it to improve with losing weight.
Sadly, it hasn't and I still get back pain - mostly in the mornings after laying in bed all night - not sure what that is from.
I hope you get it sorted out soon and your doctor can help you with pain relief.
I've had back pain for years. It sounds like you're issues exceed mine but I can tell you what worked for me. WLS helped a lot with the pressure on my back. I also went to a physical therapist. They gave me exercises I can do to increase my ab muscle strength. That takes a lot of the pressure off my back. Here is the one they told me to do that works the best.
Lay flat on your back with your legs bent at the knees.
Suck in your belly button. Combine this with a Kegel exercise for maximum affect.
Repeat 10x. Rest. Repeat twice more. Do this at least twice a day.
Hope this helps.
~~ Judy ~~
That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
Hey Carol,
I am in the same position as you - I have had 2 back surgeries and lately have had a very difficult time with my back. The Darvocet is not working anymore, as well as the Vicodin. I was going to ask my doctor if I could take that liquid stuff we took right after surgery; works fast and it helped with the pain.
I also found out that we need to scratch the pills a little bit to get the coating off - that will make the pill disolve quicker (before it passes through altogether!). Just scratching a little bit - what I do is cut the pill in half and take both halves - has helped the effect of the pill.
Let me know if anything helps - good luck!
I feel for you!!!
Literally, actually.
I am 5 years post op. I lost 155 pounds and regained 15 after the first 14 months. Maintained that until last year, and gained 20 more due to inactivity.
I have degenerative disc disease in the lower lumbar. I had the WLS to take the pressure off, and it worked for four years!! I had little problems along the way, but it only took tylenol to ease it.
Since injuring my knee in Feb of 2006, and aggrivating my back at work in Dec of 2006, I have had non stop pain.
Your condition is much worse than mine! I am under pain management and have spinal injections every 3 months as well as meds at night with an occasional vicodin (cut in halves). I take advil gels or tylenol rapid release during the day when I simply cant make it without something, but have to drive. Before the injections I was taking anything and everything they gave me with NO RELIEF for more than a few minutes, and that was minimal.
Sounds like the neurosurgeon is the best bet for you right now. I wish I could be of more help! I can only tell you that I understand where you are and how horribly frustrating it is! (I can definately understand why some folks become alcoholics! Capt. Morgan looks pretty darn good through the tears of pain!!)
Thank you Anne for posting. Thee spinal injections are they terribly painful? Today has been especially bad for some reason. Usually laying down helps to relieve the pain, but not today. Nothing is working! My poor husband gives me massages several times a day to the areas that hurt. If it weren't for him, I think I would literally go crazy. I've really not exercised much since surgery due to the knee problems etc, so I was thinking it was a lack of muscle. I have tried a few times to strengthen that area, but always give up because it hurts too much the next day or during the exercise periods. Sometimes it's even my sides that hurt. My doctor says they are muscle spasms. I don't know what they area.