Starting 5 day pouch reset today!!!!
Hi there,
I'm 7 years post-op, and I know what you mean about gaining wt. I have gained back about 15 lbs, and that really shows on short people like me. I crave carbs like crazy, and I find the sweets don't affect me as bad, it takes more and more to make me have the dumping ..but I have ran into a problem with my kidneys, I have developed a kidney stone disease, and hyperoxalateia, (sp) and my kidney doctor said it is from the by-pass. So ladies and men, get a blood test on your kidneys and keep a close eye on them, for this is a serious disease, you can lose your liver and kidneys if not caught in time and start taking medicine for it.
I wish you all luck in getting off the wt. I have been exercising like crazy, have pictures up at my lowest wt on my mirrors, to try and motivate me..I never dreamt it would start coming back..But like they kept telling is a tool, not a miracle...
Wanda: Day #2 is going great!!!! Yesterday I had the following: 3 Protein Shakes, 2 servings of broth, One 3 oz yogurt, 4 sugar free puddings plus 80 ounces of water and a large decaf ice coffee with skim milk only.
I feel great. I'm now at work. Had some of my daily large decaf ice coffee with skim milk on the way to work. I'm currently having my protein drink for breakfast.
I've never ever had that "hungry" feeling from the day I had the surgery. My problem is that I was eating too much at meals and having "protein bars" in the am and pm for snacks when I should have been having a sugar free pudding, yogurt or jello. My mind is starting to redo the thinking back to the beginning.
Glad to know others like you are there for me as I'm there for you all.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!