OMG!! I swallowed my gum
I am sure everything is ok. Have you been drinking or eating since? Is everything passing through alright? Myself about one year ago I swallowed a cherry pit
, but nothing bad happened,, it passed through ok. I would relax unless you begin to have severe pain or vomiting which I doubt will happen.
Let us know how you do.
This is actually kinda funny. When I had my WLS pre-op orientation the nutritionist said that we could not chew gum after surgery and I (who was usually the quiet one in the room) stood up and shouted " What! why not?" (in a total panic, I love my gum..I even have TMJ and still chew it) and she said it could get stuck in the pouch and have to be surgically removed..or stuck in intestine.. I was like "I haven't swallowed my gum since I was 10!" and my mother was in the room with me and was cracking up. So the nutritionist was like "Its your choice..gum or the surgery".. but I still chew gum..however the first time I did chew a piece, little pieces fell off the main peice and slid right down my throat..and I freaked..did not chew gum for 3 months..LOL but I'm back on the gum..I am just careful now. :)
My journey is successful, only because I remember what road I was on when I started it..and my determination to never go back to that road will keep me going in the right direction.
269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
I have always been a gum swallower and was nervous about chewing it post op. The first time I chewed it I did swallow it and I was freaked out also. I was told that I should drink diet coke to dissolve it so I did and it was all good. I still don't chew gum though, it was enough of a scare for me.
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