5 Day Pouch Reset Update
Well, I am back after the weekend. This is day 5 for me, and I am thrilled to report that I am not craving carbs physically. The first 2 days were really difficult because all I could think about was Goldfish crackers and saltines etc. It is so amazing to live through the carb addict withdrawal. It is unbelievable that your body can actually crave something that strongly. It was sooo hard, but now I am fine. When I got past the withdrawal part I was so pleased with myself. Days 3 and 4 were not a problem for me at all. Once I could actually chew something I felt alot better about the whole thing. For all of you that have posted this weekend regarding being out of control - Make yourself do this. You will be so glad that you did. You will get the snacking under control. I was having the same issues. I would eat lunch and want to eat again in 2 hours, and the nights were the worst. I wanted to eat crackers, etc all night. I would even get up at night sometimes to snack. Give it a chance and let me know how you are doing. Good luck..
Surgery August 30, 2004
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle