Head Hunger.....Freaking A!
I am going to target this one for ladies:
When its our monthly time, how the HECK are we supposed to battle head hunger? I have tried dang near everything, and still....I HAD to eat some goldfish crackers and cookies today!!! OMG, this is going to drive me insane!!!!
What tricks or treats do you have to beat this monthly demon?
I'm with you on this!!!!
I guess the only suggestion would be to have good snacks in the house druing that time, so hopefully you'll eat those instead of buying something not so good.
But when I do give in, I don't beat myself up (too much). I know it's just a day or two out of the month, and I can easily make up for it.
I'm often guilty of giving in. To be honest. I have found that drinking insane amounts of liquids helps a little. Also, smart snacks, so when I give in it's not something that'll do serious damage. I seriously hope someone comes foreward with more advice or at least some experiences. It's at least nice to know I'm not alone in my monthly head hunger insanity.
~*~ Amber ~*~
highest weight: 335 (possibly more) pounds
current weight: holding steady at about 138-142
Lowest weight: 136
New goal: Find my balence