Thyroid cancer? Me????

on 11/6/07 3:24 am - Anchorage, AK
Well, isn't this just grand. For those of you following along at home I have been seeing a hematologist for my wicked anemia (now under control thanks to Chromagen iron supplements -- my 'crit is up to 38%!!!) and an enlarged liver and spleen. I have a cute little autoimmune disease called Sarcoidosis so the questions were, is it Sarcoidosis? Is it lymphoma? Is it some other kind of cancer or growth? So I had lots of tests, including ultrasound, CT, blood work like crazy.

The last test they wanted to do was a PET-CT scan which showed that while my liver and spleen are perfectly normal (just big, and nobody can figure out why) I had two "hot" nodules on my thyroid. They said I should schedule an ultrasound, no big deal, etc.

Well, guess what? The nodules have micro-calcification which is 90% predictive of cancer. Now I have to undergo a thyroid needle biopsy next week, and then we find out if, in addition to having a hernia repair and tummy tuck, I have to have my thyroid removed as well.

Ugh. I tell you, I could live without all this medical drama. I work with doctors, and now on my days off where am I? Doctors offices. The good news is that if it is thyroid cancer it has a very high cure rate (over 95%) and it's early since the nodules are small.  Obviously I'm scared. Who wouldn't be? But I'm also trying to have faith that things will work out fine. It's just hard with one medical setback after another. It seems the most healthy thing about me is my WLS. ;)

Thanks for listening,

Traci K.
on 11/6/07 3:37 am - Sullivan, MO
Well sweetie - I'll certainly be praying for you.  Yes, the big "C" is always scary to hear, but it's absolutely nothing short of amazing what they can do to cure cancer these days.  I truly believe God works miracles through the hands of doctors and modern medicine!  Keep us posted after your ultrasound.
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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Tracy B
on 11/6/07 4:11 am - Erie, PA
I will keep you in my prayers Vickie! Please update when you can.

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 11/6/07 8:33 am - colchester, CT
I hope your test comes back negative, but, if  it does not, you know thyroid cancer has a very high rate of curability and you can live without your thyroid gland with thyroid replacement medication. I know how difficult having multiple medical issues can be. I too have Sarcoidosis and it has given me many problems over the years. Whatever happens you can get through it in time.  Let us know how you make out. You will be in  my prayers. Sher">

Ready4 AChange
on 11/6/07 11:44 am - Upper Chichester, PA
I'll be sending you lots of positive vibes your way. I had nodules on my thyroid and it turned out to be goiter. I had half my thyroid removed. I guess if I didn't have it done then I may not have had this surgery. It was after thyroid surgery that I realized I would come out of anesthesia. That's when I decided to persue the surgery. I'll be thinking about you...

                                                                                                                                        ribbon.gif image by Ready4Achange Remember.......  Click to Give .....Hunger, Breast Cancer, literacy, rain f                                                                                         orest, animal rescue and CHILD HEALTH

on 11/6/07 6:33 pm - Sydney, Australia
Hi Vickie, sorry to hear you are going through so many medical problems.  I hope they all get sorted out soon and you are up and running. hugs, Helen
Carol G.
on 11/10/07 10:15 am - Ahwahnee, CA
I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2004.  I went through the ultra sound, needle biopsy etc.  I had the surgery which removed my entire thyroid.  Your neck is extremely sore for about a week, but it does get better.  You can barely even see my scar.  Since you will have no thyroid, you will need to take thyroid medication for the rest of your life.  It's not so bad, but since WLS I'm not absorbing like I should either, so we keep changing the doses.  I feel tired a lot of the time, but that is normal for the malabsortion.  You will have yearly scans to detect any thyroid cancer.  Also there is the radioactive iodine they give to destroy the leftover thyroid cancer after the surgery.  The worst part about that is the low iodine diet, but they have good recipes.  If you need them, I would be more than happy to help you with those.  We are here for you.  Like the person before me posted, if you are going to have cancer, this is the one to have.  My doctor told me that as well. Hugs, *Carol*
Lynne R.
on 11/6/07 4:43 am - Houston, TX
Good luck - I have a "cold" nodule that they are watching. I haven't been to my endocrinologist in a while, and I think it's enlarged.  I had the needle biopsy and it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. Just kind of creepy that you can feel them pulling the stuff out of you. So far this year I've had a tummy tuck/hernia repair, buttlift, and gallbladder removal. I do NOT want any more holes in my body!


(deactivated member)
on 11/6/07 9:43 am


I just hit the 10 year mark of my DX of thyroid cancer.  The tumor was so big that they never even did a needle biopsy...they just took the whole thing out.  If you have any questions, please PM me.  It is scarey in the beginning, but dealing with it becomes a way of life after a while.   Heather G

on 11/7/07 3:50 am - Parsippany, NJ
Hi Vickey, Sorry to say.. we have 2 things in common.. my surgery was 4/19/05 for the RNY..2 days after yours. and just this past spring .. my nodules were diagnosed as cancerous as well..  I was told the cancer cannot be determined untill it was actually removed but maybe they know something different out there. I was told the biopsy only can determine abnormal growth.. They never used the term hot and cold with me.. Check out the American Thyroid Association website. The surgery wasn't horrible.. it felt like i'd been hit with a baseball bat in the neck  for a few days.. The worst part was the low iodine diet for the radioactive material treatment after the removal.  But this type of cancer rarely spread and is recoverable so it you have to have a cancer this is the one to get..  My problem is the thyroid hormone you have to take for the rest of your life now.. they are having problems finding the right amount and type for me.. it appears I am not absorbing it from my latest bloodwork. Other than being tired I feel ok.. but they don't really say much..  WELL GOOD LUCK!! MY PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU..... DONNA

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