MMMMMMM you live in OK so i'm guessing .....Rhema? or ORU?
Ok some sound can't put more hours in the day. God created it 24 hours...and you'll have to abide in that time frame. Not scheduling yourself any time to sleep is just not wisdom.......sleep is a good thing.....hey even Jesus's not lazy or's just the limitations of our mortal bodies.
My advice...if you have to work, and can't cut back on bible college, then it looks like your time to sleep with be from 4:30- 8:30 and your kids will have to understand that this is a temporary that you can finish bible college. If you are in a certificate program, I'm guessing it's a 2 year program, and youc an explain to the kids that it's only temporary, and necessary for mom to fulfill her calling.
Wpw girl.. that is a tough schedule and I am not sure how you can do it. DH may have to take on a few of your chores so you can get some sleep. Now stay away from that food there.. thats not a good thing.. you can do it. I am happy that you are getting that part of your life worked out though. I know youve been having a tough time with it.
We are here for you even if you just need a quick wake up call.. take care of yourself and take your vitamins. You need to keep your health up during this stressfull time.
We are here for you even if you just need a quick wake up call.. take care of yourself and take your vitamins. You need to keep your health up during this stressfull time.
Sweetie - you need sleep. You can not possibly function with this schedule - without any sleep for more than a few days. Seriously - this schedule is not going to work. Something has to give.
Could your hubby not work more hours or get a second job? I'm not at all encouraging you to share anything here to belittle your hubby - just tossing that out for you to mull over, if you haven't already. If he's at all able - this is what he should do.
I'm a Reverend as well. So I understand your desire to go into ministry, but you can serve God without a title. My church certified me so I can help my pastor and so I can minister to those in hospitals and prisons (and I can perform weddings and funerals): other than that, it does not change how I minister at all on a daily basis. I don't pastor a church - don't want to or have plans to. I leave the weddings and funerals to my pastor. I just mentor and counsel women - and I was doing that without being a Reverend with my certificate on the wall.
So perhaps you need to pray about why you're doing the school thing and what God has called you to do.
I'll be praying for you.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Laurie, your schedule scares me. I work nights and occasionally will go 24 hours or more without sleep (usually at one end or another of my three nights on) and it slays me. I totally understand and respect your desire to serve God and be a good mom and wife, but something's gotta give, woman. We're human, and as such we have needs -- sleep, food, water. Without sleep you put yourself at risk for all kinds of health and psychological problems. But you also put your kids at risk of you're driving them around and are otherwise responsible for them.
Please, Laurie, lighten the load somehow. If not for your sake, for your kids'. It would be so tragic if you fell asleep behind the wheel and injured yourself, your kids, or someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Best of luck,
Please, Laurie, lighten the load somehow. If not for your sake, for your kids'. It would be so tragic if you fell asleep behind the wheel and injured yourself, your kids, or someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Best of luck,
What advice would you give your best friend if they told you they had the schedule you have given us, knowing all that was involved in their decision? Now listen to yourself....... is there anyway in other areas you can make scarifices finacially that would enable you to work less hours? Sometimes it's the small savings that together make the difference. Hope it works out for the best in the end.
I don't think you're nuts at all. I do think that you sound like you're a very good person trying to do her best for her family. However, I think you've already answered your question with your doubts as to how it's going to work out and how tired you are just thinking about it.
I know you don't want to put your health and well-being and that of your kids at risk. Seems like you'll never have any time to spend with your family with that schedule. I also worry about you being so tired on the road running here and there.
I understand that financial problems can be very overwhelming and I truly hope you and your husband can find a solution to these problems.