Tip of the Week
Okay, my tip this week would be that every 2 -3 months you need to take several days and pull out those measuring cups, spoons, scales, etc. and re-acquaint yourself with just how much you are really putting in the old pie hole. Over time, eye-balling it kinda gets blurred, if you know what I mean! Also, take the this time to log everything you are eating to get a true reading of what's going on. Anyone else have any ideas to help those of us struggling? Becky
What a great idea. You are so right about the "guesstimating"--ususally it is more than we guess!
My tip for when you start eating something you shouldn't--take one bite and then put the rest in the garbage disposal. You get rid of the temptation, you get tired of spending the money, and you come to realize that the taste just doesn't match with the anticipation.