Stinky mama

on 11/5/07 4:36 am - perry, OK
Hello everyone been a long time since I posted here. Hope this finds everyone doing okay! I'm doing pretty well, I did have a blockage almost a yr. ago in December and this is kinda what brings me here to ask this question. I had to have alot more of my intestine removed because of the blockage. I had 2 surgeries within 10 days of each other due to the blockage. This of course left me really malabsorbtive. I really stink when I pass gas. I NEED some really good ideas for a internal helper for the smell. I contacted a gastronologist since that is their department and I see him for further managment of my bowels now just because but he said there wasn't much I could do and nothing would help to try lactaid. I know theres stuff out there. He isn't real favorable of gastric bypass so I think he gets a little snotty when I ask questions about things like this that he feels are part of what you did to yourself when you had this surgery basicly is how he acts. So can snyone give me some suggstions PLEASE!!!! Thanks so much! Marti 253 now 110
Not the Same Dawn
on 11/5/07 11:34 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA

That is just so unprofessional...It makes me mad to think about it. Maybe ask him or his office for a referral to a doctor who specializes in GBS patients, since he obviously doesn't? Is your surgeon around? I would start there or with a surgeon on this website...Mine is on here but you probably have one in your area listed on the site.  But I would definately report his attitude to your insurance provider...Someone should know about his snotty attitude.

Just a suggestion.

Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
on 11/6/07 2:26 am - perry, OK
I agree thanks for the input that may be the thing to do, reporting him. He may not agree with the surgery but he doesn't have to act on it thats not his job. I'm going to call my surgeon and see what he says. Marti
on 11/5/07 6:14 pm - Sydney, Australia
I have heard that you can buy charcoal tablets from the health food store and that it neutralises the smell of the gas. wow 110, I know you have had health issues, but lucky you to be so tiny!!!  I think its worth trying the charcoal because its a natural product, so your body doesnt have to cope with drugs.   hugs, Helen
on 11/6/07 2:30 am - perry, OK
I've had those before but never gave them a full try and was starting to take them for about a month actually just under, and then I got that blockage so no one in my family wanted me to take them anymore cause they thought they may have caused me a problem but I know they didn't but thats my family not a doctor. Yet my family complaints about my stink so I'm thinking you gripe because I stink then tell me not to do anything about it! Thanks I appreciate it and yes I am quite small, that pic on here is old by about 40lbs! Marti
on 11/6/07 2:15 am - Green Bay, WI
Boy can I relate. I told my surgeon about this and he gave me some antibiotics to kill off some of the bacteria in my intestines. It has cut down on how often I pass gas but when I do, it is still nasty. I also tried Devrom like someone on the main board suggested. It helps a little. I read up on the side-affects and they scared me so I stopped taking it. Another thing I'm thinking about is getting one of those charcoal pillows that absorbs the smell. It should help since I sit at a desk all day. I saw one on a while back. Maybe I'll ask my husband for it for Christmas. He is the biggest complainer of my stinkies.
~~ Judy ~~

That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
on 11/6/07 2:35 am - perry, OK
Thanks charcol pillow huh! Never heard of it, that would be really great see I may be getting a job and am worried sick about bathroom and gas issues there!!! At least the pillow I could say is for my hemmorroids and no one would know the gas issue I hope!! Thanks for the ideas don't know about the Devrom never heard of it, but apparently not a good thing and I don't need any side effects thanks again!!! Marti
on 11/7/07 1:02 am - Green Bay, WI
Devrom is a chewable pill that you can take as an "internal deodorant". It seems to work better than not taking anything at all. I didn't mean to freak you out about the side-affects. A lot of people take it without problems. Jus****ch for any mental confusion, tremors or seizures. The side-affects are rare.
~~ Judy ~~

That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
Pam A.
on 11/6/07 4:55 am - Northeast, WA

Um, what side effects on the Devrom? I took them pretty regularly for a while and it did cut down on the smell some. I stopped and I can peel paint off the walls some days, so I just started taking them again. I always wondered if they interfered with the chewable vitamins that I take with meals, which is why I stopped for awhile. What did you find out? Thanks, Pam

on 11/7/07 12:59 am - Green Bay, WI
Sorry if I scared anyone. Maybe I should re-phrase that. I over-reacted a little about the side-affects of devrom. If you look up  bismuth subgallate (which is the medical term for devrom) on google, you might find the study where several people who took it after colon cancer had neurological problems like confusion and seizures. That completely freaked me out. However, it was rare -- four or five people -- and all of them used it after colon cancer not gastric bypass. I am starting to take devrom again but now I know what to look out for and to stop using it if they occur.
~~ Judy ~~

That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
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