Reality Check at 10 months out....
Reality Check time!! Oh, those nasty little halloween mini-bars...combine easy access to them with family stress and VOILA! old bad grazing for comfort habits take over without notice. Felt a litte too confident in my perceived ability to eat without consequence and I intentionally tested the candy bar waters on Halloween for "just a taste" since I was sitting safely at home where any bad dumping effects would be a private experience. As feared, I don't dump on sugar. I opened the flood gates and I must now accept the damage and actively work on resisting what I now know I can eat without experiencing the negative cattle prod effect. What started with one small bite sized chocolate treat quickly morphed into grabbing one, then two, then a handful, then going back for more because "I'm in control, I'm eating like a normal person and enjoying an occasional treat like a normal person. There's nothing wrong with that, after all, that's what my goal get out of the diet mentality and just learn to eat like a normal, healthy person" Well, I've been acting this way since Halloween eve, thats 6 solid days of "treating" myself with "just a sample"of candy. The scale has gone UP 3 pounds! No surprise, just reality biting me in the proverbial behind (thank goodness). So, back to tracking my food intake on Fit Day. Back to focusing on protein 1st. Back to the rule of "some foods are not allowed...EVER!" I can get this under control and just write this week off as a week wasted in terms of weight loss, but a week with a lesson well learned, I hope for good.
Where would my weight be today if I was on WW all this time? Not here, thats for sure!

Where would my weight be today if I was on WW all this time? Not here, thats for sure!
This is the standard advice that we give on the DS forum to DSers who overdo it on sweets and can't seem to pull back during their weight loss window...
do a 3 day carb know basically atkins induction phase (lower then 20 grams of protein a day). The unfortunate thing about surgar is that the more you eat the more you want, the more you want the more you eat, and it can easily get out of control.
I've never done it, but a lot of the people here are doing the 5 day pouch might really help you get control.