Graduate forum???

Beam me up Scottie
on 11/5/07 1:30 pm
I'm not offended.....i'm glad to see other graduates feeling the same way as I do. Scott
(deactivated member)
on 11/6/07 2:28 am
The concept of support changes as the person changes.  Now, to be totally, politically a new post op, I truly believed the hardest part of the battle was losing weight.  I am 23 months post op now, about ten pounds to go to reach my personal goal, and I think the biggest challenges are mental and emotional changes as a result of the weight coming off the body!  Yes, it was a battle and I won.  But it was a year long battle and I have a heck of a long life ahead of me now, thankyouverymuch! I read on this board often and gleem great tips and thought provoking moments of clarity as I hear those who have gone before me struggle and conquer issues that are only now rearing their heads in my life. But the biggest gift of all, is the gift of growing up without a remote control for the TV.  HAHAHAHA  I learned early on when to run to the other room for something because the commerical didn't capture my interest.  I just skip past many posts that begin with..... "Do you think I have researched my surgeon's credentials to the nth degree?  etc etc etc."  Bless those grads who continue to support that group.  I loved you to pieces when I was the one asking those questions.  But face it, they really don't want a southern belle smart alec ansering them now, so I do both of us a favor and move along.  Vicky
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