Graduate forum???
I don’t mind the pre-ops asking questions. Matter of fact, while I was waiting on insurance approval I joined several "off track" groups so that I could try to see ‘why’ these folks were off track (I Never Posted, just read). Was it the procedure they had, was it the doctor, was it because of specific pre-op problems (whether they be physical or emotional), etc? I sure didn’t want to go rearranging my body just to have temporary weight loss AGAIN; I don’t think I could have taken another failure like that at that point in my life so I can appreciate the posties wanting as much info as they can get before hand.
I do agree with Michele.... nothing gets my goat more than a grad posting about struggling and someone 2 months out telling them to "just go back to basics"... makes me want to reach thru my monitor and grab them by their... never mind!

269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"