Graduate forum???

Beam me up Scottie
on 11/4/07 11:47 am
Ok this may sound a bit mean...but when I came to OH, I was told that the WLS graduate forum was only for people who were over 1 year out, and that newbies could lurk but not post.  It seems in the last month we're getting a flood of newbies on this forum....I'm not "mad" persay...but i don't come to this fourm specicially to respond to the "what surgery should i have" questions.....and I like the fact that those questions aren't abundant here, because it really stops the whole "my surgery is better then you surgery" arguments......(of course we all know my surgery is the best...KIDDING).  I personally think newbies have enough avenues to ask these questions...i.e. MAIN board...and the state boards, and the individual surgery boards...without having to come here..... Anyway anyone else feel like this? Scott
Michele T.
on 11/4/07 12:40 pm - Scottsdale, AZ
I agree and I don't agree. I don't mind if a pre-op asks a question where they're specifically looking for answers from grads.  I believe the perspective we give is different than what you get on the main and state boards.  It would bother me though if our board got clogged with these questions. What I don't like is when a grad posts a question and a newbie answers.  That just PO's me. Michele
Beam me up Scottie
on 11/5/07 1:02 am
I think it's the which surgery should i get post.....there is enough of that on the other fourms.....I didn't post this OP to say that newbies should never ask a question here...lets face it, if there is an issue with labs or which labs should be run, or did you ever have an issue like X, Y, Z....that is i guess more tolerable.  I don't know ....i suppose it just irks me a bit...because when I came to OH 2 years ago...the  gradulate forum really was only for gradulates. ...and it was "enforced" pretty heavily. Scott
on 11/4/07 10:27 pm - Northwest, GA

I don’t mind the pre-ops asking questions. Matter of fact, while I was waiting on insurance approval I joined several "off track" groups so that I could try to see ‘why’ these folks were off track (I Never Posted, just read). Was it the procedure they had, was it the doctor, was it because of specific pre-op problems (whether they be physical or emotional), etc? I sure didn’t want to go rearranging my body just to have temporary weight loss AGAIN; I don’t think I could have taken another failure like that at that point in my life so I can appreciate the posties wanting as much info as they can get before hand.

I do agree with Michele.... nothing gets my goat more than a grad posting about struggling and someone 2 months out telling them to "just go back to basics"... makes me want to reach thru my monitor and grab them by their... never mind!


(deactivated member)
on 11/4/07 11:10 pm
Becky, I'm also in NW Georgia (Rome). I wonder if we go to the same support group meetings!
on 11/5/07 1:24 am - Northwest, GA
Hi Wanda, I'm in the Carrollton area so I don't think we've ever run into each other.... but we can always hope to! Becky
(deactivated member)
on 11/4/07 11:16 pm
It doesn't bother me if people ask questions. I'm only 15 months out and a lot of the discussions here haven't applied to me yet, but I'm reading to get ready for what's coming. I do get tickled when I read what some of the new people post about how they're going to eat for the rest of their lives ("I'll never eat another processed carb") and how they'll be totally devoted to exercise ("I will go the gym every day and work out four hours a day for the rest of my life"). I wonder how many people can really live up to their own expectations - not me! I did start posting on this board when I was about 10 months PO, and the people here were very helpful and welcoming. If there's anybody that can benefit from my 2 cents of wisdom, I'm always glad to give it.
on 11/5/07 12:30 am - Albany, NY
Yes I feel they way you do.  I certainly don't mind newbie questions and I answer some on the main board.  But I come here to get away from that.  If you are a newbie or are still pre-op.  Please read, this is a great resource to get ideas on what life may look like farther out.  But please realize that Grads need a place to get our own answers.   Carla
on 11/5/07 2:09 am - Central IA, IA
I pointed that out several months ago and got royaly flamed and told in no uncertain terms that I was rude.  I agree with you wholeheartedly and hope the flaming members of the board don't come after you like they did me.
Jessica M.
on 11/5/07 2:12 am - Roseville, CA
I'm sorry Scott., I don't agree, but you are certainly entititled to your feelings and opinion. :) I think that all of the forums should be open to everyone who is interested in speaking to people in said forums. I don't feel that there should be segregation of the forums and I feel that we are all a big family whether we are pre-op, post- op or just wondering what our options are. :) Just my 2 cents. I welcome any newbie's questions..They are obviously not getting the help they need in their specific forum, and i'm happy to assist.  Best wishes on your continued success Scott. :) jess
My journey is successful, only because I remember what road I was on when I started it..and my determination to never go back to that road will keep me going in the right direction.

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