Any Regrets on Having WLS? I'm Getting Cold Feet....

John J.
on 11/5/07 8:27 am - Grand Rapids, MN
WOW.... Thank you all for such great honest answers.  I guess the consensus is, "It's worth it, but be aware of the challenges you may encounter and the fact it's different for all.  Again, thanks to all.
Paula Macomber
on 11/6/07 4:22 am - Racine, WI

I remember lying on the gurney waiting to go into surgery on January 2, 2006 and thinking "I can get up from here and go home and diet."  Thankfully, I didn't get off the gurney and almost 2 years later, I am down about 120 pounds.  I now can't imagine my life without WLS and am so grateful that I was given this tool.  It's not easy down the road, but it's achievable and definitely worth the wait.  Go fot it. Paula. 259/135/142

on 11/6/07 9:49 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
I am almost 4 years out and have no regrets at all. I changed my lifestyle and am commited to maintaining my weightloss. I really malabsorb, so I have to be very vigilant with my vitamins. It is a major decision and things can go wrong. That's obviously something you have to keep in mind. I had a surgeon that I trusted and had the support of family and friends. That helped a lot. There is no going back for me--I am happy and healthy. I wish you all the best on your wls journey.

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on 11/7/07 4:00 am - Great Mills, MD
Someone made a comment that you should look at the boards to see what others have said to get an idea of the problems you will run into. I DO NOT agree with that. For one, you never know what a person has or hasnt' done when they came home. And you don't know what their health conditon could of been before they had the surgery. I think the imporant this is to remember that with all surgeries there are risk. The ultimate decision should come with which risk out weight the others. If you know you are headed to a world of heatlh issues down the road because of the weight, then it makes sense to have it done. I am sure we are all old enough to know that this is not a miracle surgery. As mentioned over and over again its only a TOOL and how you use it will depends on what issues you have later down the road. Also the doctor that  you have has alot to do with it. I can say that i have had a breast redcution because of medical issues and had a wonderful docotor and came through it with flying colors. While a friend on the other hand had it down and for cosmetics reaosns and since she had to pay for hers she went to the cheapiest doctor that there was. I called him a back alley butcher. If there was a board on there for that then I am sure she would warn people about all the isues that she had and the average person would probbaly be scared to death. But she would fail to mention that 1. she went to a cheap doctor 2. she didn't follow the orders that he gave her for when she came home. Just take it one day at a time, educate youreself and do what you feel needs to be done for you. Personally I am scheduled for the RNY on the 27th of this month. I have told few, but not many because this is a decision I need to make on my own. And if I were to have regrets I know I didn't decide cause i read that someone else said it worked miracles for them. We are all different.
John J.
on 11/7/07 11:57 am - Grand Rapids, MN
Thanks for a Great Answer....  Best of luck on YOUR RNY, I offer you my support.
E velyn
on 11/7/07 5:28 am
E velyn
on 11/7/07 5:29 am
No regrets.  Zero.  No complications.  Only wish I would have had this 20 years ago!  Good luck to you!

Ready4 AChange
on 11/8/07 9:31 am - Upper Chichester, PA
My main regret is that I didn't do this sooner. I had it done at age 52 . I wish the technology was improved sooner so I could have had it done when I was younger.  Another regret is that I didn't work "as hard" as I should to lose more than I did. But on the other hand I weigh now what I did 30 years ago. So I guess I can't argue with that.

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