So depressed!!!
I am soooo bummed out... Yesterday was my day five...and I finished the 5 DPT. I spent the first two days on liquids..continued the protiens...etc.. and got through it without any hassles. On day four.. I ate two french fries... and day five I ate one tiny (1 inch about) potato. I know that I feel that I can eat a little less, filling up faster... I know that my pants feel a little losser...but all I did was lose 1 pound since last week!!!! I so wanted to lose at least five pounds... I am so bummed... so sad!!!! Will eat "normally" this week... (carefully as always)... because I have a conference to attend in CA... but soon, I will do this again...and try and find ways of being even more disciplined and strict...
Daniel Patrick Fluharty, NBCT
Be yourself, nobody can tell you that you are doing it wrong!!

~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"