Bad reaction to iron infusion today (long)

Tracy B
on 10/26/07 12:24 am - Erie, PA
How scary! I hope your insurance co will come thru for you b/c you need to be healthy and get that iron up in a safe and effective way.

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

Traci K.
on 10/26/07 5:44 am - Sullivan, MO
Just got back from my iron infusion - all went well.  No reactions.  Also found out that Dextran is the same thing as InFed.  Must be a generic or something for that. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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on 10/26/07 10:37 am - Weirton, WV
I'm glad that your infusion went well.  From what I've heard the Dextran is the generic.   What dosage did they give you?  My first dose was .5 cc IM and then 1.5 cc IV over an hour.  Since I didn't have a reaction to that they were going to do the entire 2.0 cc over an hour.  but he has me scheduled for several weeks of this at that dosage.  I hear many people only need it once and it last several months.  I'm still trying to learn all the options.
Traci K.
on 10/26/07 9:14 pm - Sullivan, MO
Mine was 20 ML diluted in a bag - so I'm not sure how much of that was the actual Dextran dose.  Mine was given over 4 hours and I don't go back every week, this was a big one time dosing. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY  7/27/04
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on 10/26/07 9:47 am - Vienna, OH
Hi Jennifer, We are from the same town with almost the same surgery date, I think.  I went to Vanek at St. E's.  Who is your Hematologist?  I see Chahine at St. Joe's.  I have a ferritin of 10 right now and am 9 weeks pregnant.  They told me that my level should stay there till about week 12 when it woud plummet and I could get an infusion then.  I had one in April and I felt sooo much better.  My surgeon doesn't like the treatments and insists that we should be able to absorb some iron but according tot he hematologist there is no way that a menstruating woman could ever get enough iron absorption after surgery.  Anyway, they suggested a hysterectomy after this baby to stop the iron loss.  This is #2 so I think I'm gonna do it.   Your post has me very worried--I thought since my 1st treatment went ok that I'd be fine with the next treatment.  We can become allergic at any time??? Amy
on 10/26/07 10:43 am - Weirton, WV

I tried to get Vanek to take me on post-op since I moved to Ohio from NJ but they wouldn't see me since they didn't do my original surgery.  I had Skarote as my OB.  I moved to WV though part way through my pregnancy.  We still have a house in Youngstown though that we are trying to sell. I'm surprised your surgeon doesn't like the iron treatments.  Mine told me that was about the only option considering how low I am.  My baby drained the iron I had stored.   I'm just hoping I can get back to another level so that we can have a second baby.

I've read about people doing ok with the first treatments but then having reactions with future ones.  I'm not real sure how common they are.  Just make sure they give you a test dose first.

My mom said she had to get weekly iron shots when she was pregnant with my brother.  The nurse at the doctor's office said they used to give the Infed to pregnant women in the shots. 

Good luck with baby #2. 

on 10/28/07 8:48 am - Vienna, OH
I'm surprised that they wouldn't take you as a patient.  Everyone needs follow up care, even when they move.  We are in the process of moving to Altoona PA, so our house is for sale too.  So you are moving to WV again?   The big dose given at one time seemed to work well for me, it lasted for 5 months.  I've decided to get my uterus removed after we have this baby so I don't lose so much iron through menstruation.  I've had problems with my iron even before surgery. Some people do well on chewable iron.  I had some from bariatric advantage but I couldnever coordinate it with my meals to get enough in to make any difference.  My surgeon said to take iron gluconate and that it works.  Never did for me but hey, maybe it will for you.   Good luck! Amy
on 10/28/07 1:15 pm - erie, PA
Jennifer. I am so sorry to hear about the bad reaction you. Had for the iron infusions. But I have to wonder why your dr would want you to try it again. Seeing how once you have a bad reaction they will not try it again. In fear that you could have a life threaten reaction the next time. I read where you said that your insurance company would not pay for one type of iron. due to the fact. That it was used on kidney ppl. That is sad seeing how when I had my iron infusion. They use the type I had on end stage renal ppl and ppl who where not making enough red blood cells. Due to the type of diet they are on. And that the body would not let the iron be absorb into the blood system. My insurance company believed I fit the category of my diet not allowing me to get the iron . I needed. ( plus I think imo they where tried of paying for three units of blood at a time ) Yes my insurance company allowed them to use Venofer iron infusion on me. Three times a week. Plus I had to have blood work done each time the new week started for six weeks. And now I have to have blood work done every six weeks to make sure my iron is staying at where it is today. Yes it drops a little and comes up a little. The only catch for me to be able to get this type of iron infusion was that I had to have all of my blood work and all of my iron infusion done at the cancer center. And not at the regular hospital or at a infusion center. Each infusion lasted a hour and vital signs where done before each one started and after each one was done. Plus the nurses would come by every 15 min to see if I was okay.I wish you the best of luck and you will in our prayers and thoughts. Taichi
on 11/9/10 7:48 pm - Sydney, Australia
Jennifer, that's terrible.  I was getting pictures in my head as I was reading about your experiences. I would have been sooooo frightened too.  I think you kept yourself amazingly together under very difficult cir****tances. 

I had one IV iron infusion in 2005 (I think) and for that I checked into hospital for 24hrs.  The IV drip was slow and steady and went on all day and through the night too.  I think there must be something in the slow administration of it.  I (for whatever reason) had no side effects.

My iron stores are down in the basement again and I have an appointment to see my surgeon this week.  I'm 99% sure that I will be going into hospital again for another 24hr period.

I live in Sydney, Australia and don't know why but it seems to be done differently here.  I'm not saying it's better or worse here, just different.

Good luck!!   Marrickville Linda
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