Are protein balls supposed to be sticky?
Make a batch without any syrup for the initial mixing up...If they won't stick together on there own when you try to form them into balls, then you can just dribble a little liquid ( and I mean little, like the amount might get from a spray mister ) on until it is just wet enough to form the balls...after I shape them I roll them again in unsweetened cocoa powder, to make them a little more chocolatey and store in an airtight container in the fridge...Also I add about 5 splenda packets to my initial mix up, that of course means a little more dry ingredient in the first place, if you don't want to add the splenda you could probably put in an extra tbsp or 2 of protein powder to get you dry ingredients up a little bit, that will help combat the stickiness... Good Luck, I make these all the time, with varying changes in the flavors of protein powder and sometime with rice crispies instead of oatmeal... Alesia