HELP! Muscle Cramps!!!!!!

Vickie J
on 10/24/07 4:02 pm - Tallahassee, FL
HELP!  I'm having severe cramps in my toes, feet & calves.  I massage the cramp and it eases off only to move to another area of the leg.  This has been going on for hours in both legs!!  Can anyone sugges things to do to ease muscle cramps and/or prevent them?   I already take prescription potassium due to low labs 2 years ago.  I'm also drinking 32-48 oz. per day.  I know that is a bit low for most, but my surgeon only requires 48 oz. per day. HELP!  I am miserable and ready to head to the ER if I can't get some relief soon! Vickie J. PS - I tried icing the muscles and that didn't help either.

Vickie J. 
"Most dreams are lost by giving up what we want most for what we want at the moment."

Butterfly Reborn
on 10/24/07 7:44 pm

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm..............if it's NOT potassium (which could it still be if your presciption is being counteracted with another drug or the dosage isn't sufficient for you any longer) I can think of a few other things as potential issues............. Increased exercise causing muscle spasm from intense workouts;  Digestive problems can cause the leg from the knee cap down to be very painful; Not enough protein in your diet is causing you body to absorb/utilize muscles in your body such as your legs; Hmmmmmmmmmmm........go****'s so late -- or is that early?  I haven't slept yet!  Ugh! When I suffered from Ulcerative Colitis, odd parasites in the digestinal tract, divertiticulitus, etc., even though the majority of the pain was in the abdominal cavity, my legs hurt very badly.  So, I would sit on the edge of the tub, and let ho****er run on my legs from the knee down.  It helped SO MUCH but when I told my gastrointerologist that I was doing that he made it clear that my leg cramps, pain, etc. was related to my gastritis diseases and he said I could do that but to be highly cautious because several of his patients were doing the same thing for relief but became privy to the ho****er (I myself increased the temperature of the water to compensate), increased the temperature which caused the burns. I don't know what type of insurance policy you have so I have no idea where you need to start?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?   *I*, however, would definitely have a huge host of blood work done (see my profile for the post-op recommended list by Vitalady.  I'd also try to talk with your surgeon or his nurse pracitioner in the event they have an answer and prefer certain tests to be run. Another thought, did the cramps begin when you were in a "resting state" or going to bed for the night?  And, if so, was the pain allevited by getting up to walk?  If so, ask ask ask your doctors to consider you as haiving Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). I'm not a doctor or a nurse so I can only post the above "speculations."  Get wee soon and please keep us posted on your progress! PS  If you want to talk about Medicare, you should contact/hire an attorry! Best of everything, XPXP. Vanessa  so it will be HIGHLY interesting tha, for exaple, they just sold it was run my room, etc. ===========================================================================

I have two sides to my brain - a right side and a left side.  The trouble is sometimes there is nothing left in the right side and nothing right in the left side.
Post-Op RNY 6.5 years
HW 252  GW 140 CW 140

Vickie J
on 10/25/07 12:58 am - Tallahassee, FL

Vanessa, Thanks for the suggestions.  I just had the huge battery of bloodwork done in Aug. and everything was fine but I think I'll call my PCP and see what he suggests.  I hadn't thought about RLS but yes they always start when I'm sitting down in the recliner or asleep. Thanks again for the input! Vickie J.

Vickie J. 
"Most dreams are lost by giving up what we want most for what we want at the moment."

Traci K.
on 10/24/07 8:57 pm - Sullivan, MO
Calcium and/or Vitamin D deficiency can also cause leg cramping.  (ask me how I know )   If they don't ease up, I would go in to the ER and let them draw the blood work as they can perhaps find out quicker what's going on.  Definitely get a full blood workup done and check all your nutrients. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
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Vickie J
on 10/25/07 1:01 am - Tallahassee, FL
Thanks for the suggestions.  I just had the huge battery of bloodwork done in Aug. and everything was fine but I think I'll call my PCP and see what he suggests.  I didn't go to bed until 6 AM and was up at 7:00 with cramping again.  This is crazy.  If my doc can't give me some suggestions I may end up at the ER but my PCP is great so I'm sure he'll have some ideas for me. Thanks again for the input! Vickie J.

Vickie J. 
"Most dreams are lost by giving up what we want most for what we want at the moment."

on 10/24/07 11:26 pm - Senatobia, MS
Hi Vickie: Your doctor may only require 48 oz. of fluids but your body may require a lot more.  If my fluids are low for the day, I am going to have leg cramps when I go to bed at night.  The only relief I can get is that my husband rubs Ben Gay on my legs, I take two tylenols and drink two glasses of water.  Usually within 15 minutes the cramps are gone but my legs, calves and toes are very sore.  I am not a doc but this is what works for me.  I have to get at least 60 ounces of fluid daily or this will be the way I spend my evening.  I hope you found some relief for the cramps last night.  Chat with you later. Darlene
Vickie J
on 10/25/07 1:05 am - Tallahassee, FL
Darlene,  I didn't go to bed until 6 AM and was back up at 7 AM with cramps again.  I think dehydration is part of the problem so today I'm really going to hit the bottle, Crystal Light bottle that is.  I'm also going to call my PCP and see what he suggests.   Thanks for the input! Vickie J.

Vickie J. 
"Most dreams are lost by giving up what we want most for what we want at the moment."

Gail L.
on 10/25/07 2:15 am - Cleveland, OH
I have the same problem, Vickie.  My PCP prescribed magnesium for me - seems to have helped a little.  I'm going to check my water intake on evenings when I have them.  I aim for 64 oz. each day but don't always get it in.  I need to see if my less water days coorespond to cramp days.  I can totally sympathise - it's especially painful when it moves to my thighs!
Vickie J
on 10/25/07 2:57 am - Tallahassee, FL
Gail, I know there is some mag in my multis & I think my calcium but I'll check with the doc to see what he thinks.  I definately need to increase the fluids.  I'll work on that today. Thanks for the input! Vickie J.

Vickie J. 
"Most dreams are lost by giving up what we want most for what we want at the moment."

on 10/25/07 7:25 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
Please see the long thingy I just wrote on magnesium in repsonse to "neuropathy" a coupla posts up.

There's a difference in types of mag, and also the dose YOU might need for YOU, which would not be the same as *I* need or my husband who gets by with no added mag (but what's in his multis and calc).

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

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