PMA's For The Grad Boards
P - Positive M - Mental A - Attitude In life we choose our attitude and we can choose to look at our glass as half emptyl or we can choose to look at it as half full, but it is OUR choice. Each night I write down at least (3) positive things that happened to me in that day and I find that motivates me to find more good things that are happening. Yesterday's PMA's are as follows: 1. my boss bought me a birthday cake and I didn't have any, it didn't even tempt me 2. I got the most beautiful flowers and pearl necklace from my co-workers I almost cried I haven't felt this part of a family at work in a long long time 3. My son starts reading his torah portion with the cantor next week to get ready for his bar mitzvah, it's all so exciting as we embark on this journey! We;ve got 5-1/2 months until his bar mitzvah and I'm really going to maximize my weight loss to get to my goal for the event! care to share your pma's du jour with me? It's 2:43am EST and I can't seem to sleep tonight. Be Well and Be Healthy, ANDI
1. I didnt get sick even though the whole family was. yeah for that.
2. Work seems to be smoothing out and sailing right right now and I am happy to come in each day.
3. I have managed to maintain my weight for a month now even though the mental struggle with it can be somewhat daunting.
4. I am happy to be me. I feel pretty good about myself, my goals and direction in life, and feel like I can take on the world to day.
dont be such a stranger. May board is a little boring right now I see. Hopefully it will pick up soon.
See ya