Pouch Test Day 1 MONDAY
Ok today is the day - day one of the pouch test, so far so good. Had my coffee, sorry but I need coffee in the morning to face the day and the idiots on the Long Island Expressway. On the way to work drank 2 bottles of water (about 16 ounces). For breakfast I have my protein shake (nectar), also brought in Sugar Free Jello and Pudding incase the snack attack hits me the afternoon.
Question ?? I did not see on Day 4 or 5 any vegs, are we allowed to have Vegs or just the protein (meat)?
Ok ,so far so good
, for lunch I am having a cup of soup Cream Chicken and another protein shake. Already have had 32 ounces of bottled water. If I crave something sweet in the afternoon, cause the afternoons and nights are hard for me, I will have my sugar free pudding or jello.
When I get home I am going to grab the hubby and go for a walk and then another protein shake for dinner. Late night snack if I am craving something will have a SF pudding or jello.
We should support each other and report in each day