anemia and lo b12
Are you crunching ice, cold, restless legs, wanting to eat dirt, clay, laundry detergent, any of that?
Wow. I can't imagine. I was edgy when my ferritin got to 106. Last labs were 175, hoping for 250 this time (yesterday, new labs).
My iron level is 80-90 and I got nervous with 60 (range 35-170).
But I've taken iron since day 1. Right around 300mg elemental iron (not 325mg iron salts), but not all irons were absorbed well. Wasn't til I found the Tender iron that I got the desired results.
Still, I don't think I've ever experenced iron levels as low as yours as a post-op. When I was a teen, oh yeah, crunched all the ice on the West Coast, I think. LOL
Wow. I can't imagine. I was edgy when my ferritin got to 106. Last labs were 175, hoping for 250 this time (yesterday, new labs).
My iron level is 80-90 and I got nervous with 60 (range 35-170).
But I've taken iron since day 1. Right around 300mg elemental iron (not 325mg iron salts), but not all irons were absorbed well. Wasn't til I found the Tender iron that I got the desired results.
Still, I don't think I've ever experenced iron levels as low as yours as a post-op. When I was a teen, oh yeah, crunched all the ice on the West Coast, I think. LOL
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.