anemia and lo b12
bypass/ lap banded
310/169/? 228/207/??
I've been FAITHFUL to my vitamins since my surgery, including B12 and iron. I recently found out I was anemic too (my B12 was fine). I had to up my iron to 2 tablets per day. (I also had the Novasure procedure to stop / slow down my periods.)
In conjunction, I found out I had a thyroid problem and am now taking meds for that. All in all, I am slowly feeling better!
Do you follow a regularl vitamin schedule? My doctor told me I'd need to for the rest of my life!
Best of luck to you!
bypass/ lap banded
310/169/? 228/207/??
Lynn J
Lap RNY 9/29/04
5' 4"
I'm thinking you may have been taking not the right iron for you or not enough of it or not taking it properly, so moving to the right dose and type might help. Here's the iron rules:
1. iron always with vit C (cheap kind, not ester) alone together for at least one hour (ok with fruit or veggie)
2. iron is never taken with caffeine, dairy, egg or whole grain
3. never with any other vites, minerals or meds
4. remember, alone together for at least an hour (the rule for normies is 2 hrs)
Personally, I take no pills on empty (except Actonel--another subject), so always have something in my pouch before adding pills. Iron prefers an acidic environment, which we do not have, so a couple apple slices, even a bite or 3 of carrot or something will create a little lining for your pouch and generate a speck of acid. If it bothers your tummy, try a saltine. not my first choice, but better than taking no iron.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
So, one wonders why put iron in there at all, except to sell them? I dunno., Mine have iron, too. But it's just invisible to me. I take 300mg (elemental) per day and that holds fabulous iron levels for me. Not "ok" or "fine", but fabulous by MY picky standards.
So, basically, you've not had any iron all this time?
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
bypass/ lap banded
310/169/? 228/207/??