Second chance... not really!
An update.... after going through all the screening for the stoma procedure, I just found out they have rejected me. Apparently they feel like I have issues with "binge eating" that would prevent my success so they don't want me. I am pretty devastated, I was pinning a lot of hopes on this. I would have been a poster child for this process. I'm feeling pretty lost right now. I really appreciate all the support you guys provided.
Now it's just up to me again. Not having a lot of success with that right now, but I'm on board for the 5-day plan starting Monday! We can do this!
I am so sorry that they didn't approve you for the procedure. I can tell you are very disappointed. You can get back on track. Once you see some positive progress you will start to get your confidence back that will lead you to succeed to your goal. Take one step at a time. Take care, Sher">[url=]
Oh those dirty rats....(sorry just kidding)....but oh my, I wish they wouldn't have gotten your hopes up, just to reject you.
Am I missing something, but wouldn't the stoma procedure help with any 'binge eating'? hello???
Is there a way you can get them to reconsider? It seems to me as a former Psych Major, that in order to get a really good study on any procedure, it would help to have diverse patients included in the studies, and in this case the procedure. If it is out of the question to try to get them to reconsider, would it be something you can read the studies on later, and see if it is something you can selfpay for?
Hey, you may not even need the procedure. Maybe the 5 day plan is going to lift your spirits, since you will have others here on the board that are doing it with you.
Take's a hug ((((((((((((Jen))))))))))))).
Thanks everyone! The encouragement and support we can all give each other is amazing. I did ask them if there was anything I could change so that they could reconsider down the line, but they said no. I think they are going for a somewhat biased outcome if they only take perfect people.
My sister suggested that since I was already in the mindset to succeed even if I was in the "control" group, I should just pretend that I had it done and follow the plan anyway. Maybe not quite as effective, but worth a shot!
At least with all the tests I can feel good that if there was anything wrong with me, they would have found it! The radiologist did mention a small hernia, but seemed quite unconcerned. I'll have to talk to my PCP about that! Otherwise, I am apparently totally healthy - the silver lining in this.
It's me again people. I have DILIGENTLY worked hard to get my photo's on here. Before and after 100 #. I am NOT done losing yet, not as skinny as most of you, but I hope to be one day. I realize that there are Many people on here. I have ask two questions on here that were medical related. I just wonder why no one answered? Maybe I'm having a pity party. 

Hi Sherry, I see you answered my message Sat. Thank you. Well, my question was - My sugar stays around 74 most of the time, and did drop to 54 once. So I was wondering if the pouch test would be right for me. But, I have already decided to try it and this is my first day. I finally called my NUT and she told me I could have all the protein shakes I needed. How much food do you eat before it fills you up?