5 Day Pouch Test
Since so many of us are currently doing the 5day reset or are planning on doing it next week I was wondering if some of you that have done it would post what you actually ended up eating. Also, any clue what your caloric intake was? Those of you that know me well know how OCD I am~I want to do everything "right", LOL!!! Plus, food ideas are always good!
For me~
Day 1~5 protein shakes spread out throughout the day from 5:30am-8pm
chicken broth
lots of water
Day 2~5 protein shakes
2 servings of s/f lemon pudding
lots of water
Day 3~so far today~1 protein shake
2 scrambled eggs
can of tuna
Is it ok to still have a protein shake on days 3/4/5? I was able to eat both eggs for breakfast but was pleasantly full~same with 6oz of canned tuna~ate it all but was full. I know some of you said with 1egg you felt overly full so I'm wondering if I'm doing ok?? Don't want to screw this up! Thanks!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Ok, hi again Tracy!
My eating (drinking) looked a lot like yours on days 1 and 2 with the addition of hot sugar free jello as a drink and lots of Crystal Light.. Day 3 had two cans of tuna made into tuna cakes like the recipe suggested by Bamagal on the 5DPT site. They are *really, really* good. My non-op DH loved them as well as my three year old. Hmm...go figure!
Anyway, I HAVE been drinking protein shakes as well as the perscribed food. Also, on days 3,4,and 5 I have had scrambled eggs too in addition to the firmer proteins. I feel great. Energy is good, feel like I am not struggling with carbs. That addiction is really broken I think! Also, no more sugar crashes. Before this I was convinced I was hypoglycemic, and am not convinced it was just nasty sugar crashes from too many mini pretzes and the like! Wow, what a week of learning this has been!
Oh, and I have no clue about calories but can tell you I am firmly in ketosis according to my litmus paper test. I know that can be controversial but heck, I am technically in the overweight range stilll and can really benefit from being in ketosis for a couple more days so no worried there. I did buy some asparagus today and will incorporate more veggies over the weekend.
More later!
Day 1: soups, protein drinks and bullets, sugar free jello and pudding
Day 2: same thing!
Day 3: eggs, tuna, baked tilapia, sugar free pudding
Day 4: protein bar (on the road); chicken and shrimp, more shrimp and rest of tuna
Day 5: protein bar (on the road); brisket (SO GOOD!!!), ground beef
So you can see I didn't follow EXACTLY. But I've done really well! I've had maybe 1/8 of a diet soda and I was drinking 4-6 of those a day! I'm very happy. I'll give my final weigh in tomorrow and then try to return to "normal" eating following the rules!!!
Take care!
I was going to wait until Thursday to start the 5 day pouch test but decided to start today! So far I am on my 2nd protien shake ( Pure Protien) and have had 24-30 oz water. There was a bake sale at my work today and I wasn't even tempted. I pray that I can stick to this. I have been way out of control!