Pouch test
Check out this link. It is from the official site. Great info there. I can't say enough good things about all I have learned.
http://www.livingafterwls.com/forum/index.php?s=057e2cdc9c61 479139b7ba9718eee30c&showforum=63
As far as I know, nobody on the Grads board on OH has completed it. I just finished day 3.
Of course, the hard and fast answer is to always check with your nut first! But...I never have even seen a nutritionist myself so I am no help there, LOL!
laina is on day 4 and doing well. See her post. I was against this type of thing a while back and now that I have tried it--- I am at day two-- I love it. I finally feel like I am back in control of my eating. As far as sugar those numbers seem kind of low to me but I am a printer not a dr. I would carry something sugary with me if you start to drop out.
281/169/143 RYN 9/27/05