Dental Issues
I'm sorry you've had to deal with this on your birthday and you're in this much pain. I hope you're out of pain soon!!! I went to the dentist on my birthday also (10/10) and was told that one of my old fillings is coming out and that I have a small cavity underneath it. They referred me to another dentist who specializes in root canals.. ugh! 3 months ago I had to go have a tooth pulled because another old filling had come out and my tooth cracked badly. I've noticed a big difference in my teeth and I have always taken care to brush, floss and see the dentist routinely. I have to have a full exam next week, after reading this I'm afraid of what they'll find... But I will deal with whatever I have to, the WLS was well worth it to me.
Happy birthday to you!!!!! Many, many, many more to come!!!!!
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"

"if you can't afford calcium citrate, just take carbonate, but more of it. It's better than nothing." Actually NO IT IS NOT BETTER THAN NOTHING! It's much worse than nothing. It lulls you into thinking you are getting calcium (and you're not) AND you are now building kidney stones, to which we are already prone.
Calcium citrate comes in liquid, powder, wafer-like chewables; capsules, tablets and the chewy ones (but high in sugar and way expensive). Just be sure to read the serving size!
Vit D3 is a specific form of vit D. So, be sure to ask if the one in your hand is D3 if it doesn't say so. It will probably be a tiny capsule with powder inside, even the 50,000 is small. I was fooled for awhile with a "dry tablet" and my labs levels fell dramatically. It was D2. Now I know better.
Most programs, if they mention vit D at all do not specify dry or D3 or more than 400 or 1000 IU. I'm just telling you to be sure you are tested and reach the higher end of the D 0,25 hydroxy set. Don't settle for less.
I also had orthodontia in 2005. Now, my teeth were not perfect, but they were reasonable straight. But my bite had changed, the bottom teeth had shifted and were pushing the top teeth out of whack, nothing was where it belonged. ??? I have asked each ortho I saw (while getting prices) and each regular MD I saw if my WLS/calcium were issues? Clearly, they did not know the ansewr, so kinda waved it off as, welllll, no. But they didn't know! They just never made the correlation before.
While losing my bones is the big deal, having to spend money I didn't have to get my bite aligned again was a very spendy way to fix my calcium issues., Mind you, all blood levels are good now and have been for a few years, but it was the first few WRONG years that did the damage.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
Post surg 3.5 years. I recently started having problems with teeth. One chipped and a molar cracked. I had always had great teeth but I noticed something going on with my front teeth and sensitivity. Did not think it was related to a calcium deficiency. I did stop taking calcium suplpements about 18 months ago as I was able to eat more. I eat lots of cheese, milk and yogurt and thought that was enough with a good multi-vitamin. I am very upset. Does anyone know if this can be reversed before it is too late and I have to loose my teeth?