Dental Issues
In reality, I have had WLS, so I need more than normal, whatever that is AND I take it according to the studies I read & my labs. I had 2 surgeons, so one would say a level vit D of 30 is good, one would say a level of 50 is good and my endo would say a level of 70 is good. The most recent study I read said 100+ is better. Since I want to enough vit D to feed my bones and my teeth and my joints and help me with my auto immune disorder and permeate the muscles, etc, I want my levels to be around 100.
So, for me, I use UpCal D in every protein (so 4-5 per day--not in my protein taken near iron); capsules; and the cinnamon BA's with appldle slices for calcium citrate. All of them have vit D, but not even close to enough. I take 6 of the 5,000 (30k) per day and two of the 50,000 per week. So, will get labs next week and see what score I grabbed.
Note I said my surgeons would be happy with lower levels and I'd expect that most your surgeons, IF THEY TEST D AT ALL! will be happy with any levels over 20. But that doesn't mean you will be.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
Yes!, I too have teeth problems. Mine are wearing away. They are getting can almost see thru the bottoms of them. I thought it was something to do with chemo I took 7 years ago. I need veneers or caps all the way around..about $20,000 worth...that wont be happening unless I win the lottery. I do take the calcium citrate with d -chewable from Bariatric Advantage 4 or 5 a day and I take the dry vitimin D but its not the D3..take that 3 times a day. My labs have always been fine they say. But I do have ostreoperosis and am having trouble takeing actonel...Dr has mentioned the IV but im so afraid of that dead jaw ive read about, especially with my teeth being so bad. So dont know what to do there either. Cha
I have two sides to my brain - a right side and a left side. The trouble is sometimes there is nothing left in the right side and nothing right in the left side.
Post-Op RNY 6.5 years
HW 252 GW 140 CW 140
I have finally found a dentist so concerned with my fear that he's asking, "Does this hurt?" when they put the bib on me. FINALLY! They "get it"! And as a result, I'm very relaxed there now, since they're likely to "think" something's hurting me long before I do.
They have XM or something and for any actual work, they just plug me in and I'm elsewhere. They can do whatever, as long as they don't talk to me during good songs. One wonders if I'm actually trying to sing along with a mouthful of fingers. Frightening thought.
What exactly are you taking for A, D, E? What kind of levels are you seeing? Years ago, we just didn't even have these high dose fat solubles available, so we were taking handfuls of dry form vit D3 in only 400 units! Now with the 5,000 & 50,000, it's much easier to take just 1-2-3, whatever and target a level and GET it a few months later.
Nowadays, at least in these parts, there's a dentist on every corner and they are fighting for your business. See if you can find one who caters to fear specifically. If they think you're a big baby, they are not the place to go! For so many years, I avoided dental work just for the heart racing terror that gripped me when I sat down and I think it stemmed from earlier dentists treating my fear as a character flaw.
Now that they WANT our business, the younger ones must be actually taking a course teaching them that the fear is real and if they want to make a buck and build a business, they'd better take it seriously. I actually LIKE my dentist and his crew, since my visit is about ME and not about THEM. I hope you can find someone who will take you seriously and treat you kindly.
As for understanding the nutritonal needs behind our teeth? Wellllll, not so much.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
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