Party Plan
I have a party for about 80 of my staff members tomorrow night. While it will be great fun, I SO don't want to overeat. I've gotten myself back on track after gaining about 10 pounds, and am finally on my way back down. Does anyone have any great party strategies to get through without grazing all night? I'm thinking of drinking some soup and perhaps locating myself on the lower level of our house away from the food. I am also going to allow myself one light beer, to sip on. I really want to make a conscious effort because I'm finally getting control again, after many months of "living the high life" yet feeling like crud. Now I've got more energy, I'm exercising daily, and feeling so strong. I don't want one night to send me into a tailspin. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
What I would do is eat some dense protein like chicken breast~something that will stick with you~so that you're not even really hungry at the event. Soup will pass thru pretty quickly and you may end up wanted to snack b/c you truly are hungry. I know what you mean about gaining control and not wanting to lose it~I have several events coming up too. I plan to have fun, have a few drinks, etc but the next day its back to eating properly b/c I do feel so much better physically and mentally when I eat the right foods. I hope you have fun at the party!!!!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
That would be my solution as well. If you are the hostess, there might be some edigness, so you might have to make another during the party. Busy hands are happy hands, you know? Doesn't matter if the protein drinks are too close to get maximum absorption as long as you keep your fingers out of the cookies, KWIM?
If you find that nervous energy thing going, grab a protein-item and munch THAT. At least it alleviates the guilt that keeps on giving, or for me it works.
If you find that nervous energy thing going, grab a protein-item and munch THAT. At least it alleviates the guilt that keeps on giving, or for me it works.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
will there be dancing? I love to dance and will forgo food and beverage if i know that i can dance the whole night away. If i decide to have something delicious i make sure i dance or exercise. What if you exercise prior to the folks getting there will that help you? Best of luck and remember, Saturday is a whole new day for eating right and working out. ANDI