Accountability... What did you eat Tuesday
so here was my day....
protein drink, 1 serving 110 0 1 25
Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Lower Sugar, Maple and Brown Sugar, 1 serving 120 24 2 4
Beef, tip round, 4 oz 135 0 4 24
Cheddar Cheese, 0.3 cup, shredded 137 0 11 8
Iceberg Lettuce (salad), 1 leaf, large 2 0 0 0
Vegetables, Mixed Salad Greens, 1 serving(s) 15 3 0 1
Salad dressing, Trader Joes Balsamic Vinaigrette, 2 tbsp 30 7 0 0
Chicken Breast, no skin, 3 ounces 94 0 1 20
Cheddar Cheese, 0.1 cup, shredded 46 0 4 3
Dreyers no sugar added ice cream bar with almonds, 1 serving 150 19 9 3
protein balls, 2 serving 220 12 12 22
protein bar, 1 serving 170 17 5 20
1,228 83 48 130
I drank over 100 oz. so did good there.
You all have a great day and I will see you tomorrow.
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Good morning,
b....protein drink...120 cal....25g protein.
l...beef stew and rice...about a cup cup
s...granola bar.
d....chicken i helped my son finish up his fries
s...protein drink.
total cal....1010...protein 70g
and drank about 60oz of water..
i have a question, about the regular protein powder can u mix it in a hot drink , i read somewhere tht its not good to add in anything hot...something about breaking it down??????? i know theres protein tht can be added to hot things just asking about the regular powder.
thank u.
be blessed
Here's what I know about adding protein powder to hot drinks, per surgeon and nut, also on the label info of many powders...Cannot be added to boiling hot drinks, not because of breakdown of protein, but because the heat causes the powder to thicken up and get chalky and lumpy ( I've had this happen, )...I make hot chocolate with protein powder all winter, to cool it down I put in about 1/4 cup of ice cold milk and stir in the protein powder to break it down so its not lumpy, then add the water when is comes to a boil, the cold from the milk keeps the overall temp low enough so the cocoa does not thicken up...Of course you have to drink it a bit faster, cause is cools off pretty quick too, but it works...
Good Luck and Enjoy...Alesia
See ya tomorrow.
Yesterday I was nervous as I needed to have a minor procedure/correction on one of my arms following brachioplasty. It went really well and I think I'm going to be happy with the results. I'd be happy to get someone's thoughts on my daily food intake. Here's what I ate yesterday:
Breakfast - Zone Perfect Protein Bar - 210 cal
Lunch - Chickarina Soup - 240 cal
Snack - Banana w/1 tbsp peanut butter - 195 cal
Dinner - reduced fat cheddar cheese - 100 cal;
pickled beets, baby carrots and hummus - 90 cal
hamburger - 190 cal Snack - sour cream soy crisps - 160 cal
Zone Perfect Protein Bar - 210 cal
Total - 1395 cal