B12 Patch?
The actual product does its job, tho, since if I forget and do shots on Satruday and get labs on Monday (duh, how many ways ca you spell dumb?), the numbers are thru the roof. My husbands gets great results using the weekly rx & 1/2 cc of complex every other week, too.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
Thanks Michelle for your response! I never thought about a vet site... interesting! I can't wait until next year with my new insurance so I can change PCP. I think she has become "gun" shy with all the WLS patients that have been coming to her. I requested a full lab panel done and she took them but wanted me to be referered to an "expert" to read them.... It did not make sense! So I have asked the Tx Board for some referals and think I might have a couple to try out. Also I am suggesting to all the WLS patients that go to her to find a new PCP - it is obvious that she is not able or willing to monitor us like I think it should be done. Thanks again! Valerie :)