from 152 to 170 2yrs7mos out need help to get pounds off

on 10/9/07 5:53 am - Easton, PA

Girls, I know just where your coming from with this issue. I'm almost 5yrs out with my lowest weight having been 171lbs from 310 lbs pre-op. Now I weigh 189 lbs and feel like Cinderella whose turned into the "pumpkin !" Post op was amazing with the weightloss and the belief that I had finally conquered this demon called "obesity" only to find out that I too can eat larger amounts of food and even more varieties of food than I ever imagined I'd be able to again. (Yes ,I shouldn't have even tried some of these foods again but old habits die hard as hell and temptation won out once again) So what do I do now , wake up each day planning on how to lose the weight again and jump back on the hamster wheel called "dieting?" Is this the great hope that I had pinned my hopes and dreams on just to return to the insanity again. I want to get back down to 171 lbs and have debated turning to diet pills again. Damn , I thought I'd be able to end all of this nonsense as a post-op. I knew I'd eventually gain some weight but not this much , this fast.

hello ladies and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO YOU ALL !

Now with this being our day , I have a question that maybe you other post-op ladies can help me with. I'm a 3 yr out girl and have lost 140 lbs (give or take 10lbs here or there) but within the last year (here's where you guys might want to close your eyes or turn away) I've been plagued every month ot two like clockwork with yeast infections. At first as all you ladies know they were bothersome but now their getting horrific ! I'm starting to beleive with the weightloss and all the extra skin on my thigh area , there's not enough room for proper air flow and it's become a breeding ground for these infections ! I've always been extremely body consious and am still to this day , I shower daily so it's not from being dirty or anything like that. Has anyone else been botherd by this problem ? My doctor has said I may have to have that skin removed and I just want to see if this is a common problem ?

on 10/7/07 11:18 pm - Spokane, WA
I don't know your age, height, weight history, etc. so this is just general information.  1) make sure your lowest weight was actually appropriate for you.  I have been obese since childhood, and super morbid obese.  So I have no business expecting to get down to the "normal" weight for my height.  My bones alone are too heavy for that!   2) we don't lose fat cells--we just empty them.  Once a fat cell is created, it is yours for life--unless you have it "sucked out" or cut off!  And a fat cell exist only to eat and multiply.  It will always want to do that, which is why you can never lose weight "permanently" and not have to pay attention again. 3) you want carbs because they are easy fuel for the body and fat cells.  We all like easy. 4) as for solutions, figure out what is easy and do the opposite!  Has easy every worked for you before?  Not me.  So if you want carbs, find the slowest cooking, most labor intensive, closest to nature that you can find.  By the time you get through with the preparing them--and chewing them--you'll satisfy the carb craving but be worn out.   5) if you can't wa**** under running water, don't eat it. 6) Make small, sustainable changes.   7) Get support from live people as well as online. 8) Remain positive--but honest.  Recognize what you have achieved, how you are putting a stop to the gain now, and that you are an intelligent, resourceful, self-disciplined person.   Good luck, Sally
on 10/8/07 12:00 pm - VT

I was four years out last May and I am up 42 lbs.  I started regaining about 18 months ago following plastic surgery, and depression and anxiety bout.  I started at 333 and got down to 170.  I got back up to 218 and I've lost 6 pounds in the past 3 weeks.  For me it's all about grazing, grazing, grazing!!!  However, if I don't eat while I drink and focus on protein I do get full fairly quickly.  I'm such an emotional eater!  I knew I was gaining weight but just didn't care.  Finally, I care again and I'm back on track.  I've exercised for :40 two days in a row and I'm keeping my daily calories between 1400 and 1500 daily.    Next I need to focus on taking my vites again.  Drinking is ok for me as I like crystal lite and don't do soda.  Who ever said the weight is gone forever isn't a post-op.  I don't know anyone who isnt' struggling after two years post op.  Some from my group have regained in the triple digits! I'm just taking things one day at a time! 

Soobie - 5/21/03 - 333/170/212


on 10/8/07 11:32 pm - Blanchester, OH
Hi Soobie,  Grazing, Grazing, Grazing,  We weighed the same on surgery date.  333#. I understand everything that you are saying.  I had my surgery five years in March.  I lost 100 #, needed to lose at least 70 more, never did.  My weight has went up and down.  I work at it everyday.  I have managed to maintain keeping off 85 # of the 100 # loss.  In the beginning I remember posting as others did that it was gone forever.  It is still very hard for me.  I am 238 this morning but used to be 333.  I have kept 85 # off now for over four and a half year's.  I can now walk over a mile, off allot of my meds., Swim laps, go up stairs, fit in chairs, look better in my cloths, go down a slide with my grandsons.  That doesen't sound as good as some, but better than some others.  I  have beat myself up enough over not losing the rest of my weight and I told my DR. that last week, and told her my surgery was a success, because I have keeped most of it off for almost five year's.  I am going to TRY not to beat myself up anymore.  I have NOT streched my pouch much, I can only eat 1/2 to 3/4 cups on food at a time.  I stop eating when I am full.  I still have that tool.  I still graze, which isn't good.  I am going to continue to work at it, and not beat myself up.  I remember when I was over 330 #, I had hunger pains, and they were very uncomfortable.  I don't have them anymore.  I'm thankful for that.  I might be on here screaming tomorrow over thinking that I am such a failure, But for today I am thankful that I am 85 # lighter, I don't have hunger pains, I can swim laps, walk, and much more, and I am pushing 60 yr's old.  I have resently admitted that I am a choco-holic, I am not laughing either, I AM adicted to it.  It makes me graze, because I try not to eat it , so I eat everything else instead.  I get it out of my system, them boom!!!  I eat it again. It all starts over again.  As you said ( I care again) so do I. It sounds like you are on the right track again.  Keep up the good work, I will pray for you as well as myself when I get the (grazing craves).  Good girl for working on your vitimans again.  You can get where you need to be and so can I. God Bless You Tena
on 10/10/07 6:36 am - VT
Hi Tena, Kudos for being so active now.  All things considered you are correct in the sense that you are way better off now than you were five years ago.  I guess sometimes I feel guilty about the weight gain but other times I'm down right scared!  Scared because I can binge more than I thought I'd be able to post op.  Sure, it's not the preop binge but it's a binge none the less.  I've realized that I can eat over 1000 calories in a few hours without ever feeling stuffed.  I didn't understand the issue until I sat down and wrote down what I was eating in the evenings.  A bad night, where I was tired and stressed, could have seen me eat 3-4 cheese sticks, 20 triscuits, protein bar, mini bagel with marshmallow and PB and a few cookies.  The cheese sticks were 360 cal, 200 for the triscuits, 210 for the protein bar, 260 for mini bagel w/PB and 180 for the cookies.  And, viola, 1210 calories later, I'm overweight again.  I'd pretty much eat a different item every hour from 7 to 11. As I'm typing this I still don't believe I was doing this, but I was and really didn't seem to care.  At least I can say I fully understand why I regained 45 lbs.  Some people regain and don't understand why.  I know why!  Now, I need to maintain the strength to eat each day to either lose or maintain.  IF I do that then I'm a winner! Best of luck to you with the chocolate!  It's deadly for me too! Soobie 
Tami H.
on 10/10/07 9:50 am - Winter Park, FL
2 yrs ago last may.  In the last month gained from 124-129.  Holding water in my legs, so  I know that is adding to things. But I am frustrated. I have really not changed my habits.  i drink at least 2 protein drinks a day, sometimes 3.  I am active in kung fu 3 times a week.  sometimes I have toremind myself to eat.  Oh I  like to eat, but  meat is not my favorite anymore, so I am more of a cheese girl.   I don't over load on carbs, sothis weight gain troubles me too.  5'2" in height.  clothes still small and size 4.  But in may I was 120, and since that time have been inching up in weight and that scares me, as I am not eating much at all. today 2 protein drinks and vitamins 1/4 c mac and cheese small slice meat and potato pie 2 oz swiss cheese 1c mandarin oranges coffee with skin milk, and tea sf 3 sf mint cookies worked outside for 2 hours in yard I usualy work at night, driving alot to see patients.  sometimes I will nibble on some oriental mix with almonds, maybe 1/4 at the most. So am I just eating too much in a day or what?  Thanks, Tami
on 11/17/07 8:59 am - Southwest, LA
I drink a canned protein drink on the way to work,  I eat a ham & cheese lunchable for lunch, and eat supper.  I drin****d water or starbucks in the can over ice 1 Or 2/day)....... tea with spenda.  once in a while I eat junk, like an apple slice dipped in alittle caramel................ this is rare, or some cookies from one of th e100 calorie things, but carbs make me want more........ I don't get enough protein probably.   I used to eat lo carb yogurt until I could no longer find the kind with 5g of sugar.  so i now occasionally eat cottage cheese.   normally before I would eat a yogurt maybe two a day. 4/05 was my surgery date
on 11/17/07 8:50 am - Southwest, LA
I started out at the same point that you did and only got down to 182, at least so far I have not gone back up.  It was my weight for a long time before I went up........LOL.  So maybe our bodys have a point they like.  I read that somewhere long ago...... who knows. 
Tami H.
on 11/17/07 11:42 am - Winter Park, FL
thanks for your encouraging words.  We just can't give up can we!!! blessings, Tami
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