Surgery Deposit?
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
I didn't pay a dime out of pocket before surgery. even my psyc eval was covered under insurance. I had no "non insurance" bills either, I personally feel that those are just a rip off, another way for the surgeon to make money, so I made sure I didn't have that to pay. You should be able to get the R&C for your surgery (reasonable and customary) that's what your insurance will pay. For example: surgery is $10,000. R&C is $4500. You have to pay 10% of your bill. So insuracne takes the $4500 and pays 90% of that and then you pay the other 10%. The surgeon writes off the rest!!! You may have a yearly deductible that you have to pay as well. So, if you've not met yours then know that if your surgery isn't before Jan. 1 you'll have to remeet your dedicutible.
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?