Hungry again..and again...

on 10/4/07 8:09 am - Scottsdale, AZ
I've been a very good do-bee this week. Staying away from bread-like carbs, having only veggies and lean protein, no snacking and walking 30 minutes a day religiously as well as doing some weight bearing exercise every night. Except last night when I was konked out by 6:30pm. I have yet to weigh myself as I just started this routine this Monday, so i won't weight until Monday again. Okay, here's my deal. I eat something like a grilled fish filet, and some green veggies. I am stuffed full after about 1 ounce of the fish and a couple of asparagus spears. Full to the point of feeling like I might need to barf. I am not eating fast. Bite, put fork down, chew like crazy and swallow and wait 5 seconds before the next bite. that's how the doc said when I first came out of surgery and was able to eat solids again. So I put the food away (thank God for ziploc containers, I've got dozens) and within 45 minutes I am ravenous! I feel like I could eat a cow! What is wrong?? Should I eat again? Try and finish the meal I couldn't finish? I am afraid of overeating if I do, even though my portions aren't huge in the first place. If I do get something else to eat, once again, three bites and forget it. I feel like I am obsessing with food. -=db=-
(deactivated member)
on 10/4/07 8:54 am
Hi DeeBee,  Have you ever tried the water-loading? This is not for newbies, but for us old timers, it works like a charm! All you do, is when you're feeling "hungry" in between meals, just drink as much water as you can. Not gulping, that might hurt, but try and drink say a small bottle of water. It fills you up and those "hunger feelings" go away! This lasts, for me anyway, about a half hour or so, then I load up on water again.  You might give it a try. Sometimes, still even now, I mistake being hungry, when I'm actually thirsty! Hope this helps!
Just Me
on 10/4/07 8:04 pm - Happy Place, TN
Watching this thread and saving it. Ravenous in 45 minutes after a decent meal... me too! At first I attempted to keep my meals to 3-4 meals a day.  I was really really hungry in between those meals.  I kept telling myself it must be in my head.  (After all, we used to only eat about 400 -600 calories a day for quite some time after our initial surgeries yes?   We may have "thought" we were hungry but we couldn't eat any more than that if we tried.... remember those days?)  Anyway, hunger pangs must be in my head... but my head tells me I'm hungry so...  I need something to tell my brain I'm not hungry! Heard about shots to deaden the sensation.   Heard about them only... but makes sense... forget botox on my face, give me botox in my tummy and have it not hungry anymore! :-) Best wishes
Ruth A.
on 10/4/07 9:52 pm - Letchworth Garden City, UK
:LOL: I love it - can I get some shots to the tummy too?
on 10/7/07 12:41 am - Yardley, PA
omg, i want those shots. i you don't mind me asking, where did you hear about them (or, rather, where can i find info.), what are they called, how much they cost and. where do i get them? thanks
Tracy B
on 10/4/07 10:45 pm - Erie, PA
I have experienced that feeling, although it doesn't happen to me very often. I think pulling out the rest of your meal is a good thing to do b/c like you said, it wasn't a whole lot of food to begin with so you probably are not overeating by finishing up a meal. I'm not sure why this is happening to you?? Is this something new that just started or has it been going on for awhile?? I do know that when I up my exercise routine (which I did this week) I will get hungry alot more often. When this happens I try to listen to my body and give it what it needs. I cooked up 6 hard boiled eggs to have on hand for when I need something so I can grab and eat easily. Also this week I'm pushing alot of dense protein and it seems to be working so far.

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

(deactivated member)
on 10/5/07 12:44 am

I can't eat much at a time and start to get hungry again after an hour or so. My nut says it's OK to eat every 3 hours, as long as your total calories don't exceed 1400 (I'm supposed to aim between 1200 and 1400). We totally digest about every 3 hours and as long as you eat the right things (protein & fiber), it's OK to have 6 little meals. So I have these little Kashi bars at my desk (140 calories, 4 g fiber, 7 g protein), and I eat one about 10:00 a.m. and another one about 3:00 p.m. Sometimes I'll eat a little salad or something instead, but the Kashi bars seem to be working best for me right now. And they keep me from gorging on the sweet stuff this skinny girl upstairs brings to work every day. My nut also stresses the water. Don't drink for 30 minutes after you eat, but then really force it down until it's nearly time to eat again. She also said for every pound of muscle mass you gain, you'll burn another 35 calories per hour at rest, so the weight-bearing exercise is supposed to really help.

on 10/7/07 12:38 am - Yardley, PA

i've been having the same exact issue and have been doing the waterloading thing for a few days now---strangely enough, it REALLY works

Zee Starrlite
on 10/10/07 12:31 am

How about some almonds in between meals (count them!!!), yogurt? cheese?  Water load!  I think "You On A Diet " is one of the best books out.  Read through that.  Dr. Oz has some great information and suggestions in there. Plan to eat 5 or 6 meals or 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks per day so that you do not feel guilty when you find yourself eating often.   Be nice to yourself  and get yourself busy. Best, Leila

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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