Question~Need Ideas

Tracy B
on 10/4/07 12:27 am - Erie, PA
Ok, so since I complained about the last support group meeting, I want to be sure to go to the next one armed with some great, long term post op questions to ask to try to get the ball rolling as they say! I am interested in what you have discussed at your groups or topics that you would like to see discussed. Basicly, as a long term post op, what issues are you dealing with right now?? The one question I wanted to discuss at the last meeting was about our malabsorption rate since that was such a hot topic here last month so I have that on my list for next time.  Thanks in advance for any ideas you can all generate!!!!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

Miss Liss
on 10/4/07 1:44 am
Be sure and share the questions and answers with us all after the meeting is over.  LOL. Good luck, and I hope you guys have a great meeting for everyone no matter where they are in their journey. Melissa
Tracy B
on 10/4/07 3:26 am - Erie, PA
Melissa, will do! Hopefully I'll get some good info to share.

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 10/4/07 2:41 am - San Marcos, CA
Tracy, Is there a way for you to supply the hosts/speakers with some of your questions ahead of time so that way they are prepared?  I have found that sometimes our questions are more complicated and therefore go unanswered. Trish
Tracy B
on 10/4/07 3:25 am - Erie, PA
That's a great idea Trish. The meeting isn't for 2wks so I think that could easily be done.

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

~Donna~ V.
on 10/4/07 5:41 am - Orlando, Fl
Hi Tracy, One topic that never seems to come up is the issues we still have, or at least I do, with the head problems. Still feeling like I see the same 374 pound woman some days when I look in the mirror. Still feeling sometimes like I am SO fat and unworthy. Still going straight to the plus size racks without even thinking about it. Freaking out over gaining one ounce and being a slave to the scale. Not being able to "believe" my husband when he tells me I am beautiful or hot. Those types of things maybe? Just a thought. Good luck!
Tracy B
on 10/4/07 7:26 am - Erie, PA

Great Idea Donna~Thanks!

on 10/4/07 6:52 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
You know, except for the post-ASBS meeting, I've never planned ahead for one (unless I'm the invited speaker, of course! LOL). I wait and see what the hot opic seems to be each month. sometimes it's the head thing, sometimes it's about food, sometimes it's vit D levels and so on.

The best way to get answers on the head or body image thing is to alet everyone report on how THEY do it, IMHO. Altho we do have an expert in body image on yahoo grads, other than that, we don't have any or everyone is, depending on how you look at it.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

Tracy B
on 10/4/07 7:28 am - Erie, PA
MIchelle, I know what you're saying~Kind of go with the flow of the conversation, but that seems to be part of the problem~there is no real conversation. No one seems to bring up any hot topics and then the pre ops take over the discussion, so I'm going to give this a try and see what happens, LOL! I would like at least 3 solid topics/questions to go in with so I can try to generation some good discussion.
on 10/4/07 9:31 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
I understand. We want to be open to pre &fresh postie here, but we'll lose the long terms if we focus too much. If there is a good mix, we try to address support ppl, pre, fresh post, 1+ yrs. With the longer terms, the questions are usually nutritional and body image. Regain, of course, which paralyzes the newbies with terror.

But this stuff has to be addressed and as far as I know, we're the only group in the area not toeing some sorta company line, still run by post-ops for post-ops. Most others are run by medical professionals who do not have to live with some of the stupid stuff they say, you know?

The stuff I HEAR!!!!

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

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