What do I have to do???

on 9/27/07 3:06 am - Scottsdale, AZ
I am still not losing. I gained about 30 pounds back after being about 30 pounds away from goal in the first place and now I am wondering if I am just destined to be a fatty. I have been watching what I eat, exercising regularly and nothing. I actually gained another pound. I am so completely frustrated I don't know what to do. None of my clothes fit me comfortably and I refuse to head off to Lane Bryant for more fatso clothes. I have a scuba trip coming up and I'd like to not look like a friggin sausage in my wetsuit. Seems like I've tried everything and the only thing that really works for me is starvation. I have noticed that I drop the pounds when I go without eating. I can't keep that up though, as well all know. I got off Zoloft, stopped drinking alcohol, only eat at mealtime and then it's tiny bits. I am just very fed up. Please don't tell me I need to exercise more, I don't have the time. I can afford about 30 minutes a day, but I work for a living, and have a social life and don't have the bandwidth to spend 4 hours a day in the gym. Besides, I hate gyms! Makes me mad to think about spending hours on end in a stinky gym doing boring exercises. Can't I just walk? Sorry, I am just very frustrated. -=db=-
on 9/27/07 3:26 am

I have no soultion for you, I just thought I would commiserate.  I am stuck and have been for a freaking year!  I am getting married in 6 and a half weeks and I really wanted to loose 10 pounds before the "big day" and that stupid scale doesn't budge!   Starvation sucks!   The gym sucks!   Fatso clothes from Lane Bryant sucks! I HATE THE SCALE!!!  I feel your frustration! 


Open RNY 7/14/2005




on 9/27/07 3:29 am - Scottsdale, AZ
At least someone wants to marry you! I always end up the (fat) Platonic Female Friend guys go to for advice on how to get girls. Like I know.... -=db=-
on 9/27/07 4:01 am - Parkville, MD

I just want to say I feel your pain. The only help I can offer is more water & more food. I know for me those two issues are key.  I figured out that when I would eat "junk" I would lose...made no sense until I realised my daily calorie intake would be underr 900 calories unless I ate junk...Increased calories to 1100 or so (trying to do it without the junk) and drink atleast a gallon of water a day (actually keep a gallon jug on my desk at work)   seems like alot but 80 ounces wasnt enough for me i guess. since I have done these 2 things I have been able to break my 200 plateau and stay under since May. I was stuck at 200 for over a year and I tried so hard. For right now the increased calories and water are working for me & thank God because I too do not have any more time for exercise.. Good luck Diana RNY 9/17/03 360/296/forever aiming at 180 

Tracy B
on 9/27/07 4:04 am - Erie, PA
AHHHH, it is SO frustrating especially when you're doing everything "right"! I don't think 4hrs in the gym is the answer either. Gosh, I know you've tried just about everything at this point~sorry that darn scale is not moving. Wish I had an answer for you, but I do understand how you feel. Hang in there!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 9/27/07 11:11 am - NY, NY
You have a great profile..... i've read it many times along my journey! Also, i feel your pain! I haven't regained, (i'm not as far out as you either) but it is not without a daily struggle! Basically, you are far enough out, that you have to do what any normal person has to do to loose weight, diet! It sucks, i know. I pretty much still count & log my calories (in a excel chart) monday thru friday..... & eat what i want on the weekend. I do a morning protein drink, usually, Nectar. Then i have 2 Cambridge Diet drinks/shakes (it has protein & is heavy with vitamins).  Then have about 1000 additional calories, to arrive around 1300. Weekends i still do my protein drinks & my Cambridge, i just don't count my calories. I don't go crazy, but i will have a small piece of cake or a plain donut, or anything i'm craving. I was hoping WLS would be my last diet.... but, really, to keep it off, i have to diet the rest of my life! Good luck~~ Mike :)
Mike in nyc~
Surgery date 5-26-05
Start: 230
current: 129.5
goal: 125

on 9/28/07 5:20 am - Scottsdale, AZ
Thanks for the kind words. It is a struggle, isn't it? I am going to stick to having regular meals, no snacks and start doing a 30 minute walk every day. It isn't always easy here in Arizona when it gets stifling hot out there, but it's getting better. -=db=-
on 9/27/07 1:04 pm
Dee, Have you tried taking Omega 3's (4000mgs), supplements with your daily vits? It has been a life saver for me. I have not been posting much since summer. My husband had two heart attacks in a matter of 2 hrs. and then his carotid ateries where found to be blocked so since June he has had three major surgeries. At that time he had been taking 3000 mgs of Omega with his multiple vits (not a WLS patient) nor was there any high cholesterol at all but the first thing Dr gave us a script for was Omacor 4000 mg daily which has been renamed to Lovaza, they come in 1000 mg caps and are pharmecutical fish oil.  So that was only 1000 more per day...and by golly the script was saving us a fortune since I was on 3000 as well...,.well I had my dr write me a script for Lovaza 1000mg-4 per day as well and that 1000mg more per day made me drop 5 lbs in a week and I have been holding there at 128. I do want to get to 122 so I am sticking with my LoCarb (only) Slimfast and adding a scoop of Unjury Unflavored which is 20 grams isolated whey. There is also 20 grms of concentrated whey in the LoCarb Slimfast so you probably get about 14 grams from the drink. I do this twice at day and eat one meal. If I get hungry later I do another drink, they are very filling and keep you from getting hungry for several hours. I do take my vits and supplements which are many since I could never get what I need from food and I know its very expensive but I am not spending on buying three meals a day. I think the protein amounts is the key, I take at least 80 a day and I am maintaining with never gaining back and trust me I do eat carbs when I crave but I limit it to Kashi Go Lean Cereal, its whole grain and has a bit of sugar but doesn't cause me any problem except when I do eat it, you can bet I am up a .5 to 1 lbs the next day but then I skip a few days and stick with scallops or sushi and I loose it the following day. The Omegas are great for anxiety, depression and heck we all know its fab for our hearts and does amazing things for our skin. I don't burn out in a gym. I work out 23 min on a pilates and I have to say I am strong and fit as a fiddle. Change it up a little and see what happens. You can get the Omega 3's anywhere if you can persuade your dr, maybe you can get a script and it will save you some. It really has made a big difference for me.
Diona A.
on 9/27/07 2:45 pm - Miles City, MT
How's your hormone health? Have you ever had it checked? Estrodial, Progesterone, Testosterone, Thyroid,  Adrenals - cortisol, DHEA, etc.  Pick up a copy of one of these books and do some research. Remember, you may have to work at finding a doctor that will actually help you but if you have a compounding pharmacist there, he will be able to tell you the doctors that utilize hormones. Here are the books I have read lately: Hyprothyroidism Type 2 by Mark Starr, M.D. The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones, 2nd edition by Michael E. Platt Hope this helps. Diona
Diona Austill
Miles City, MT
on 9/27/07 10:48 pm - pepper pike, OH
I'm not going to tell you that I feel your pain...because I don't. Also, I am not going to tell you that I hate exercising too...because I don't. And, I am not going to tell you that reducing your calories to near nothing is going to jump start your weight loss...because it isn't. I am going to tell you something that you told the world not so long ago: Hello. I had my surgery on April 12, 2004. I have been very successful with my weight loss and can do things now that I never would have attempted before, including hiking to the very bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up again in one day! You told me a whole hell of a lot.  You can do things that you have never done before. You are brave.  You are courageous.  You know how to make a commitment.   Who said you have to spend 4 hours in a gym?  Clearly that is not sustainable!   TAKE A 30 MINUTE WALK.  EVERY DAY.  NO EXCUSES.  COMMITMENT IS EVERYTHING. WHEN TAKE YOUR 30 MINUTE WALK, MAKE IT A HEART PUMPING, ARM SWINGING, ASS KICKING WALK THAT REMINDS YOU AND EVERYONE AROUND YOU THAT YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL.  YOU ARE IN CONTROL.  YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR YOUR CHALLENGES AND YOU EMBRACE YOUR SUCCESS. Take this simple step that will likely reconnect you with your inner strength...the next steps will be that much easier.  Aren't you the WLS warrior who hiked up and down the Grand Canyon in one day?! You can do it.  Let me know if I can help. Karen
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