Bad advice from nut today ???????????????

Congratulations on your one year surgiversary!
How much experience with wls patients does your nutritionist have? From what I have read and heard we need more protien than what she recomends, I have heard 60 -100 grams a day. Also with regards to bread and pita bread. I limit myself to a slice of bread or such item only infrequently. I have vegetables and fruit for most of my carb intake. Eating our protien keeps us more full than bread and for a longer time. I don't know if you are at goal or below and need to increase your calories not to lose much more, is that maybe why she suggested bread. If that is not the case I would not make it a habit. Lots of people feel they crave and want to eat more when they take in simple carbohydrates and start to gain back weight. Take care Sher">[url=]
NUTS are funny, aren't they? I know mine once told me to have PS to drop the last 10 pounds. Well, I posted the thought on the PS forum and I got torched!!! Not the most popular idea. Perhaps your NUT is also leaning towards an unpopular recommendation. Doesn't sound right to me. We need more protein. I can see introducing carbs to start maintaining, but, it you still want to lose more, I'd still opt for protein firs****er, exercise, etc. Carbs do nothing for me, except act as a trigger (to eat more carbs), make me feel sluggish, make me feel puffy, etc. I'm about to detox myself. I went without carbs for about 10 months and then slowly started introducing them, now, at 18+ months post-op, I'm set to banish them again. Do what feels right for you....everyone is different. Good Luck! Karen
10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery 9/25/2002 260/134 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
I do not think you received bad advice from your nut, although it may be different than what you were expecting. Our bodies use carbohydrates for energy and, in the long run, it's good for you to eat some carbs. Keep in mind that, gram for gram, carbohydrates and proteins have the same number of calories (4 calories per gram), so as long as you eat a reasonable amount of carbs it should be fine. Also, as other posters mentioned, you want to eat good carbs. They will stay with you longer and should not cause blood sugar spikes. Finally, eating far more protein than your body actually needs can be hard on your kidneys in the long-term. So balancing protein with good carbs is good advice. I'm almost 2 years out and eat about 2000 calories per day. I also lift weights 2x per week and do cardio 4-5x per week for 45-55 minutes per session. Most days, I eat about 250 grams of carbohydrates, 125 grams of protein, and 55 grams of fat. Yes, I said I eat about 250 grams of carbohydrates per day. I've lost about 200 pounds and have been maintaining at around 200-205 pounds for a couple months now. I do agree with your doc about skipping bread, unless it's whole grain.... Good luck on your continuing journey! Kellie