Why,oh why'd I join a dead/slow/boring gym???

I bet those other ladies wish they could tear up the elliptical like you do. They might be scared more big-time work-out women like you will come and take them over. I dropped my gym membership and I'm trying to do it on my own. We'll see how it goes. I hated doing things in front of people, on a treadmill with my butt shaking and somebody right behind me. I don't think anybody went out of their way to look at my butt shaking, but I usually do it in my bedroom with the door locked and the blinds pulled shut. It's a real private thing for me.
I bet those other ladies wish they could tear up the elliptical like you do. They might be scared more big-time work-out women like you will come and take them over. I dropped my gym membership and I'm trying to do it on my own. We'll see how it goes. I hated doing things in front of people, on a treadmill with my butt shaking and somebody right behind me. I don't think anybody went out of their way to look at my butt shaking, but I usually do it in my bedroom with the door locked and the blinds pulled shut. It's a real private thing for me.
I did the same thing right after my WLS! The circuit wasn't enough so I ended paying for two gym memberships for 6 months!! It was worth it me!! Then I would stop by the circuit place to say Hi and everyone would tell me that I looked great!! Well it was all the extras I had at the new gym......better weights/cardio machines and pilates classes!! So if you can afford it I say find a place where you are happy!!
Good Luck!!
269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
I locked into a one year Curves contract that I out grew very soon so I know where you’re coming from. I was often chastised for "working too hard" and "not staying in the fat burning zone". Give me a break!
I wish I would have just bite the bullet and went to a full-blown gym (and paid duel membership fees) when I knew I was ready to move on instead of being so cheap that I held out till my membership at Curves ran out. I don’t want to take anything away from Curves because it was the right thing at the time and I gained a lot from it, but I wasn’t sure I’d stick to an exercise program so I signed up for a year so that I would make myself go (that cheap thing kicking in again). I really never dreamed that I’d fall in love with exercising.
I would advise that you find a place that is challenging and exciting to you; a place that you’ll love to go to.... that way you’ll stay motivated and keep up the good work. Do you know someone else that might enjoy using your membership at the spa-like place?