I just want to give you a huge hug. Don't think that these feelings are exclusive to the shy, quiet types. I am the original outgoing, chatty cathy...but I have the same insecurities, and I often find my chatty cathyness putting me in awkward situations at home and at work. I am always walking around with one foot in my mouth, sometimes two. I wish that I was one of those quiet contemplative types who never said anything unless there was something valuable to say. :) I admire you. However, I'm also not a cliquish person, i always floated on the outskirts of some groups here and there, picking up an ecclectic group of friends who may or may not get along. I think is what I"m trying to say, and badly..LOL is that you are being too hard on yourself, and there is nothing wrong with being a "quiet type". I wish you continued successes on your journey, and you will do well because you can stop and take a look at yourself and admit when things aren't just how you would have them be. I wish I could be more like you and be a little bit quieter and learn to enjoy time by myself.. Here is to the brilliant introverts.. :) you are all wonderful, and I envy you all. (from the girl w/ a perpetual foot in her mouth) :)
My journey is successful, only because I remember what road I was on when I started it..and my determination to never go back to that road will keep me going in the right direction.
269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
269 / 140/ 135
Height - 5' 6"
I am going through very similar struggles currently. I binge more then 1400 calories though; even though I'm disgusted with myself for just reading what I wrote, it's true. I tend to love ice cream and sweets (used to not, but with this lap-band I manage to "binge" on that type of stuff) and I am so miserable and angry with myself. It's nothing like before surgery (that I couldn' even count what I ate daily, now it's a dif. standards I consider bingeing. I gained 5-7 lbs back, but I want to cut it off now before I get used to it. Anyone have inpiration or advice to get my head back to normal and to keep the addiction part at bay? I want this more then anything, I just need hope to know KEEPING the weight off is possible. I can lose, maintenance is rough on me (emotionally) a whole new set of obstacles I am beginning to face; but the difference this time is I want to face them, not let them overtake me and ruin it for myself again. I deserve this, it was hard work, but knowing what I should do and doing it is different battles. Now I have to fight the "head hunger" ...any suggestions? :(
Frog! You are a doll! Thanks for the insight from the other side! And I am glad that I am finding that I am NOT ALONE in this. I dont think I need therapy or anything - I just have to let it out sometimes - the things that bother me - the things I cannot change - and the things I CAN change.
Yesterday could have ended better food wise than it did - today could have started better - but there is ALWAYS "THIS MOMENT" where I CAN change or correct mistakes that I have made.
Hugs and thanks to all of you!!!
Hey, Kid--
I am much like you--people think I'm standoffish, when I'm just shy!
I think the next time your boss want some fast food, you should just tell him you aren't going out for lunch, sorry! It will do him good to get some exercise!
Your food choices are good ones, but 'd like to suggest that you increase your calories to about 1,000-1,200 daily. If you are wanting to eat, it MIGHT just be because you are HUNGRY!!!!!!!!
I know, what a radical thought!
Food is fuel!!! It is okay to refuel your system--that is why we eat.
You are not a bad/weak person--eat something!! Just do what real live normal people do and eat something good for you. I know, snack foods are good, but "thin is better", for your health and your heart.
I'm battling some demons right now, myself, so I know how difficult it can be.
Good Luck!!