New commitment this week..
Okay, I need your prayers and encouragement again!! I have stuck with my diet and feel great. The scales still only say 6 pounds lost, but I know it stalls every once in awhile. However, I need to "up" my excercise. I have never stopped exercising (even through my 15 pound gain), but the last month or so I have decreased my walking time. I used to walk 6-7 days a week about 30-45 minutes a day. Now, I have been walking an average of 20-25 minutes 4-5 days a week. For some reason I just can't make myself get up early in the morning like I used to. Since I laid off the carbs, started weighing my food, and getting in my water, I also need to get off my lazy butt and walk longer!! ....then the scales will start moving!!!! --Thanks in advance!!
You have been doing so well~that's fantastic!!!! And I think 6lbs is great!!!! You made the committment to eat right and you've accomplished that so if you committ to upping your exercise I KNOW that you'll do well with that too!! I have found that walking with my friend M/W/F has helped me b/c I can tell ya that I did NOT want to walk this morning, but I knew she'd be outside waiting for me so I did it~after I was done I was glad that I did it! Of course T/T I have to motivate myself, LOL, but I usually get the job done. You CAN do it!!!! Good Luck this week and I hope the scale moves downward again soon!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
You're right, Tracy. If I only had a walking buddy..... I get really early in the morning (around 4:30 a.m.) because that is the only time during the day that I can do it. When I get off work and pick my kid up, well, it is non-stop from there!! I have to cook supper and help my kid with his homework (it is amazing all the work they have to do these days), clean up after supper, lay clothes out for tomorrow, and give my kid a bath (or he won't clean himself very good). By the time I am finished with all of that, I'm exhausted. I know..... I'm making up excuses. I WILL start walking more. Maybe I can at least do it M/W/F 30 - 45 minutes and the other days 25 minutes. That's a good start. --Thanks!