For those of you who know of LeGina (dixiedollface) - A very large woman who has been bed bound due to morbid obesity and an extremely large pannus (tummy skin), who was able to lose some weight on her own, and just had surgery to remove the pannus, and has had many complications in the hospital. Been on life support.
LeGina's father called me tonight and told me the doctor's talked with them today and they do not think LeGina is going to make it - her kidneys and liver were shut down, and when her heart shuts down they are going to take her off the life support. I do not know what to say - That was a hard phone call for him to make, but again they are so appreciative of the support she has gotten from us. Please continue to pray for her and for her family.
Sorry I have not updated more - She was doing better last week, they weaned her off the vent, but her oxygen level was low, blood pressure was dropping, so they had to put her back on, and also found infection in her blood. Just so much for her body to take.
Thanks - DeAnna
Thank you for letting us know. We will continue to pray in faith, no matter what the report. Those who do not believe obesity is a disease should take a good hard look around and see how many great people this disease attacks.
Praying for LeGina and her family and friends, that God comfort each and show His miraculous healing power and love to all.
This is the link to her profile, if you want to leave a note of support or prayers.
Oh that breaks my heart......
It is the No. 1 reason I had the surgery when I was only 240....when you are so large it just increases all the surgical risks, etc. I know it's a controversial subject (especially with insurance companies) but at 100 lbs. over weight it is serious enough to warrent the surgery yet you are not at such a high risk to have the surgery. Well, thank you for sharing the information with the group and we will continue to wish her health and positive wishes. Thanks DeAnna, Laurie (yogawoman)