protein balls????
Something I do for the protien Balls, is I go this route. This way I get my fiber, AND my protien
1 Cup Peanut Butter (about 70 cents)
1 Cup Honey (about 1 dollar)
1 Cup Protien Powder (about 1 dollar)
1 Cup Wheat Germ (about 24 cents)
1 Cup Oat Bran (about 34 cents)
1 Cup Rolled Oats (about 10 cents)
1 Cup Chocolate Chips (optional)
I feel this is a good mixture of "treat" and protien. I have included a price breakdown. So for 30 servings (which is how many 1 inch balls I get) I pay $ 3.38, insteaad of that for one protien bar at the store. VERY COST EFFECTIVE!! I found if you use the egg white and geletain protien powder from the store, you get 29g per 2TBS of protien.
Anyway I love these, and my kids love them. Beats buying those expensive protien bars. Hope this helps
Amber Knight