dull ache all the time
hey! I am 18 months out and have had no complications. However, lately I have noticed kind of a dull ache in my tummy. The only way i can describe it's location is to say that it feels like it is in my diaphram??? (right between my rib cage just under my sternum) It feels strange all the time lately. I have described it to my husband as kinda like butterflies when you are nervous....like the flip without the flop. Just yesterday and especially today I got nauseaus after I ate anything. Here is the strangest thing!! When I burp it's like an aftershock in that spot, like a semi-cramp. I have had my gallbladder removed and cannot begin to fathom what this could be. I am not asking for medical diagnosis...I am making an appt. with my doctor on Monday. I was just wondering if anyone knows what the heck it is? Thanks for any input!