i think....
i have an obstuction, from the salmon i ate today. i'm hurting so bad. i only had that coffee this am and that was at like 630. i haven't been able to take any water, it comes right back up. my chest feels like someone is pushing from the inside out, kinda like when i had the gallstone, but not having difficulty breathing. i spoke w/ the oncall doc and she says if i can't take any liquids by tomorrwo am, i need to go to the er... this suck....
Gina, I hope that this resolves itself and you are able to start drinking, if not,a trip to the ER for you.
I know that is not where you want to go but you will have to get things checked out.
Let us know how you make out.
Oh No. I hope it will pass on its own. I did have a Thanksgiving day dilema like that when I got a piece of turkey stuck. I was in so much pain and couldn't get anything to go down or to stay in~it was 8hrs of pure hell!!! Finally, I went to sleep and I think once my body relaxed the darn turkey slid thru. I woke up pretty sore inside, but feeling much better. Did a few days of soft foods and then was fine. I hope that you don't need to go to the ER. Hang in there!!!!!!!!!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Gina, you didn't say what time you had the salmon. If it was a lunch and you still can't keep down water, you may want to consider going to the ER now and not waiting. Your symptoms also sound like when I had my appendix out. We always tend to blame GB for everything, when there could be something else going on.
I do hope it resolves itself, but if not, don't wait too long. Good Luck!
good morning everyone, to answer a few post from earlier, i had the salmon at 12 noon yesterday went to the er at 7, but ended up leaving at about 9:30 because they weren't going to triage me until about midight... go figure. so i asked my DH to pick me up and i went home took 2 vicodins, dry and went to bed. i can tell that i am dehydrated and i'm still not very hungry today, but i have to actually go to work today, so i'm going to try and take soft foods, i might try some hummus and see how that stays down. it felt like the sypmtoms from my gallstone, but i had that removed 3 months postop from wls. it hurt soooooooooooo bad that, in the begining i couldn't even lay down..... thx everyone for your kind words.... gina