
Motivational Monday

on 8/26/07 11:49 pm
OK Gang. Time to get motivated for Monday. What have YOU done right so far? I arrived at work on time. I am clothed and in my right (?) mind!!! Had a healthy breakfast. Plan to workout on Curves equipment this afternoon. Parked waaaayyyyy out in the parking lot. Brought a healthy lunch and snacks.   Can hardly wait to hear how you are doing. Join in with some encouragement!!! Hugs,   Piggybabe
Robin W.
on 8/27/07 12:09 am - Franklin, OH
It's still early but here's what's been RIGHT SO FAR!!!!!!!!! Up showered dressed and kids to school on time WITH LUNCH money (forgot one day last week, THANK GOODENSS the teachers know me and gave them some... already paid back) Drank my Green Tea 24oz Had my protein shakd for breakfast 20 oz Took my  multivitamin and B12 Took a  walk around the neighboor hood with the 3 year old I watch. Better than sitting watching TV. She had fun 'working out with Miss Robin'. NOW if I can just SAY ON TRACK and NO GRAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And plan out the rest of the meals for the day.  Good Luck Everyone,  Robin Open RNY 11/17/2003
on 8/27/07 1:05 am
Go Miss Robin!!!! Sounds like you are doing GREAT so far even though the day is "young".  I believe that "just for today" you can  NOT graze. You are strong and able!!! Hugs,  Piggy
on 8/27/07 12:13 am - Ashtabula, OH
I've had 8oz of V8, 16oz of water, and 6oz diet hot chocolate... a healthy high protein breakfast and my morning vitamins. Today I hope to weight train and not graze. My meals are planned out my day is busy and I've got a positive mind set. Hope everyone has a great day.
on 8/27/07 1:07 am
Way to go Jenni. You don't even have to "smack" yourself cause you 'coulda had a V8' . You did it girl. Sounds like you are off to a great start and I believe that you can conquer that grazing today! Hugs,    Piggybabe
on 8/27/07 12:42 am - LAKE CRYSTAL, MN
Hello!  I have not done anything right this morning except get on to this post and try to amend my ways.  But whats past is past and I will not dwell on the bad things.  Today i have packed a good lunch and snacks.  I will walk to night.  I will not let those 5 donut holes ruin my day!!!  AND I threw out a half jar of extra crunchy jiff.  It is the one evil that was lurking in my house.  The only other junk food i have is popcorn.  That in it self is not bad.  We had popcorn last night with no butter, and it was good.  I hope everyone has a good day.  I will now that we are all here again.  Sheila
Kookie L.
on 8/27/07 12:54 am - TX

Good  morning!!!   I  am  on  track  this  morning  ..  I  have  had  my  vitamins , I  have   drank 32  oz  so far today , have  2  loads  of  laundry  done ,  have  unloaded  dishwasher ,  I have  a  great  frame  of  mind  today  ..  I  will  be  walking lots  today .. I   went  the  weekend  both  days to  the  outlet  mall  and  walked  I  made  my   self  walk  around  the  mall   3  times before  any  looking  .  I did  that  both  days  and  I   didnt  even  spend  a  penny ..   :-)  I  do  have  to  say  I   sure   miss  ya  Piggy  this  weekend ...  Looks  like  you are  on  track  this  morning  girl  .,..  I  need  to  get  my  step  counter  out  I  just  thought  of  that  ...  :-) Thank  you  so  much  Piggy  for  being  such a  inspiration!!!  Hugs   girl!! Kamper  you  have  a  good  atittude  so  proud  of   you that  you  choose  to  not  let  the  donut  holes  ruin  your  day !!  You  goooooooooo  Girl!! 

on 8/27/07 1:13 am
Tami, I wish you were here in person to say all those encouraging words to me!!!  And 3 rounds around the outlet mall and NOT spending a penny. Girl!!!  Talk about self-control!! I missed everyone here over the weekend. I thought about ya'll a lot. Does that count? And PLEASE feel free to come clean my house ANY time!!  LOL Piggy
on 8/27/07 1:10 am
Sheila,  I am soooooooooo proud of you for posting!! Admitting that you had a "pause" is half the battle. And good for you throwing out the Jiff. I finished eating my jar over the weekend and will NOT buy any more!  Popcorn is OK if you can control it and it sounds like you can. Remember, 5 donut holes did not "blow" your whole day. It was merely and pause and now you are past that and moving on in the right direction!!!!    Hugs,     Piggybabe
on 8/27/07 12:51 am
First off, I had a great night sleep!  I slept 8.5 hours and I feel ready for the week.  I packed healthy food and brought my work out clothes to go to the gym after work.  I am ready to have another great week! I was super active this weekend but didn't count my calories.  I was careful not to over do it though.  I am actually anxious to log my food into spark people!


Open RNY 7/14/2005




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