6 yrs post roux en y-severe reflux-need revision
I had a laparoscopic roux en y in October 2001. I now have severe reflux with aspiration of gastric juice (coming all the way from my jejunum). EGD said my gastroesophageal junction was very lax with a moderate hiatal hernia. Also my gastrojejunal anastamosis is very lax.
I have been recommended to see Chris Thompson, a gastroentereologist in Boston for consult.
I also saw another surgeon yesterday who says he can revise this laparoscopically.
Has anyone else had this issue?
Thanks for your help!
My goodness! So how are they recommending revising this? Are they turning your pouch into a sleeve (ie - putting the pyloric valve back into the flow), or are they tightening the stoma or something completely different?
Best of luck to you with getting this fixed.
Best of luck to you with getting this fixed.

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