sugar alcohols???
ok, do sugar alcohols count as a carb? i can't remember. i thought that they were considered a sweetner like s&l, or am i wrong? i bought the safeway brand protein drink it have 170 calories, 12 carbs (4 are fiber, 6 are sugar alcohols?) so i am thinking that it only really has 2 net carbs, am i correct? oh yeah and 20 grams of protein =) smile gina
Sugar alcohols and fiber don't impact (or minimally impact) blood sugar, so they're usually NOT included in "net carbs", but there is still debate among "experts" about whether they should be included or not. That makes the "count half" method a good compromise. Being a math teacher, I feel compelled to mention that 12 - 7 = 5. Hee-hee!!
My count half method is different...I don't subtract at all for sugar alcohols, I was told to add half of what ever the sugar alcohol content is to my carb count. It seems to be pretty different from what most people do. But like everyone does I like to follow my Dr. and Nut. instructions. Did you ask your nut. on they're opinion about the sugar alcohols? Best of luck to you..