Do Right Monday
BACK AWAY FROM THE BROWNIES!!! LOL. Sounds like you are doing fine with that today! It's just not "fair" that is raining outside AND you have a pan of brownies inside!!! But, you are strong and determined, so I KNOW that you can make it. Now get up and let me see you do some walking! I'm going to pull out my walking video when I get home this afternoon. Mine is the "beginner" one though so I look like a wimp against you! Oh well, we all have to start somewhere!!
Thanks for posting today. Hugs, Piggy
I am happy that monday is here. It gets me back on track a bit. I am also happy that I have been walking a lot today as I usually sit in my chair at work and do nothing. I also brought a nice salad with chicken to work so I would have a nice healthy meal today. these are all great things for me.. thanks for the post.. it makes me think of things I can do for myself to make my day a little better
A nice chicken salad sounds delish!! I did "notice" that you gave in to the ice cream monster during the weekend, but I won't even mention that!! LOL At least you mixed some protein in with it. That's gotta count for something!!! Hope you find LOTS of ideas of ways to be kind to yourself. You certainly are worth and deserve it!! Hugs, Piggy
Good Evening ....
I made it to 3 Dr appointments on time .
I had my Vitamins today
I got in all my fluids
With all my Dr appointments I didnt get in all my protien :-( Tomorrow is a new day :-)
My Spine surgeon saw a hairline of growth in my neck so I won't have to have the surgery done again!! I am so thankful ... So I get to start physical thearpy next week .. and I get to take the neck brace off more each day . :-) So I must be doing something right !!
So good to read all of the posts from today!!!! You were missed Piggy over the weekend girl!! Hugs, Tami
Oh Tami, I missed you too. Three Doctors appts. and On time no less. What a WOMAN!!!
Sooooooo glad you got good news and can start PT. That will probably help you a lot. I think that considering all you had going on you had a GREAT day. Obviously you are doing some things right and I am VERY proud of you!!! Hugs, Piggy