Night sweats
Whew! My bed is one big swimming pool, most nights. I have been sleeping on towels but am still sweating right through them to the sheet and bed beneath. I have to get up and change my sleepwear, towels and pillows several times a night. I am post men (hysterectomy about 9 years ago) and am on HRT (premarine 3 mg). I had some problems with this pre-op but nothing like I'm experiencing now. Dr. T. told me it might be that the surgery (or anesthetic) kicked my post men into high gear but that he'd never heard of it before (though anything's possible, he said). While I was in hospital, post op, I had to ask the nurses to leave a linen cart outside my room and I got up to change my own once they got a little tired of hearing my bleatings for help. I decided it would be faster anyway if I did it myself so that I didn't have to lie in my own cold sweat for ages before a nurse would come. (Hey, it got me out of bed more, too.) Needless to say, I've had to increase my intake of liquids more than 64 oz./day. Anyone else with this or similar problem? It's gotten to the point that I almost don't dare lie down because I can feel the sweat (no temperature or fever) just waiting to break out. (At least my pores are getting a good cleansing!) Thank goodness I have my own shower! Comments and ideas welcomed.
Miles City, MT