question for rny grads?????
I'm hardly a WLS grad as I'm only eight weeks out. However, I can tell you that I have not been hungry once from the moment I woke up from surgery. To me that truly feels like an incomprehensible miracle. I actually *forgot* to eat one day. That never, ever would have happened pre op. I remembered to eat because my hands got shaky. Even then I wasn't hungry. From what I've read though, even RNY patients have a huge drop in Grehlin levels post op. Those do come back up some after the first year, but even then they approximate what a thinner person's levels are and don't return to the levels they were pre op. Thus giving a person a *normal* appetite. That makes sense to me, because from the people further out post op, they all seem to say *yep cravings happen and I get hungry but now it's manageable and it is never that ravenous feeling that I had before".